Page 28 of Cruise in Love

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As soon as the waiter left to bring their orders, she turned.

“Aren’t you worried you’ll be too drunk to save me from the bad guys?” she taunted.

He turned towards her. Although she couldn’t see his eyes because of the sunglasses, she saw his mouth twist.

“I can handle a few beers as long as I don’t need to handle you drinking.”

Her cheeks heated recalling the previous day when she had a lot of drinks and nearly blanked out after dinner.

“I can handle my drinks just fine!” she said.

“Since when?” he asked.

Her cheeks got hotter at the reminder. She had always been a lightweight when it came to alcohol. She either burst out singing or dancing or seducing him when she had a few drinks.

It was one of the reasons why she didn’t drink during work related events and had only one glass on social occasions. The last time she got really drunk was on her wedding day.

She sucked in a breath recalling the circumstances of that day.

No, don’t think about it!

Before guilt, sadness and anger overwhelmed her, she got up from the lounge chair. Shedding her wrap which had a swimsuit underneath, she walked towards the pool and jumped into the water.

She began taking laps, hoping to burn away the images in her mind.

By the time she finished ten laps, her lungs were burning and she had to stop for rest.

She tried to drag herself up on the railing, but when she couldn’t make it in the first try, she felt hard fingers gripping her and dragging her out.

She wiped away water from her eyes, only to see Aarav’s furious face.

“What the hell were you doing!” he growled.

She couldn’t answer him right away as she was breathless. Her legs turned so shaky that she was about to collapse. But a muscled arm wrapped around her waist and dragged her towards the poolside lounge chair where she had left her towel. He more or less pushed her on the chair.

“Drink this!” he ordered, handing her the lime soda she had ordered earlier.

She took big sips into her parched mouth. When she almost emptied the glass, her breathing became somewhat normal.

“Don’t ever do that,” he growled.

Annoyed, she looked at him. “Do what? Swim?”

His nostrils flared. “That wasn’t swimming. You nearly drowned with exhaustion. What the hell were you thinking?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“It is my business while you are under my protection.”

That pissed her. “Then I’m firing you! You no longer have to stay to protect me.”

His mouth twisted. “Sweetheart, you aren’t my boss. I’m my own damn boss and you are my damn responsibility.”

She was beyond pissed. “You are the biggest arrogant jerk I’ve ever met!”

“I guess we are even,” he drawled. “Because you are the stubbornest shrew I’ve ever met.”
