Page 34 of Cruise in Love

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“What about me?” she demanded in a whisper. “You claim you can read people. What do you think about me?”

His eyes hooded. “I don’t think you’ll want me to answer that.”

Her cheeks heated.

Oh God! Does he know I always think of him? That I haven’t forgotten him? That I’m still wildly attracted to him?

“Whatever you are thinking is wrong!” she said.

His mouth twisted. “What am I thinking?”

Sucking in a deep breath, she turned away from him and sat back to watch the rest of the concert.


After the concert, they went to dinner. She chose an outdoor restaurant that served light food. She wasn’t too hungry after a delicious yet greasy burger with fries and milkshake for lunch.

She ordered a chicken wrap with a side of lime soda while Aarav ordered a slightly bigger meal for himself. They finished it off with delicious sticky apricot pudding and ice cream.

Despite the delicious meal, she couldn’t relax entirely.

Unlike the previous night, she wasn’t drunk. She was quite awake and aware of the circumstances.

Her heart thudded at the thought of sharing the bed with a man she was still strongly attracted to.

I can’t sleep next to him.

She decided to sleep on the sofa. Or maybe even on the living room floor with a few extra bedding and blankets laid on the top of the wooden floor.

But after having slept on the luxurious king bed, she wasn’t really looking forward to the sofa or the hard floor.

“I want to go to the deck on the top floor,” she said, deliberately wanting to delay going back to the cabin suite.


It wasn’t too late in the night, but luckily due to restricted access, the owners’ suite deck wasn’t crowded. There were only a few people.

She enjoyed the cool ocean breeze, which she knew would be the same from their cabin suite’s big balcony. Her cheeks heated hoping he wouldn’t make a remark about it. She turned away from him and looked towards the couple who had just taken the lift to come up to the deck.

She recognized them. It was Roopa Motiani and her husband.

Oh shit.

Aarav and she had turned down their offer to join them for dinner saying they had other plans.

Her cheeks heated recalling what Aarav had told the couple.

She felt weirdly cornered. She turned towards him. “It’s them,” she whispered.

“Who?” he asked, suddenly turning alert.

“The couple we lied to when they asked us to join them for dinner.”

His body relaxed. “Okay, so?”

“They’ll know we were lying!”

He was quiet for a moment. “I see. What do you think we should do? Make out here?”
