Page 72 of Cruise in Love

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They hadn’t gone to those activities when they stopped in the previous two islands. But the current island was much smaller and didn’t have any history or any permanent settlements on it. It was known exclusively for its watersports.

Until a few years ago, the island and a few surrounding ones used to be uninhabited. It was only recently that the government allowed limited activity.

“Let’s go for parasailing first,” he suggested.

They went to the beach where they got on a boat.

She felt nervous getting on to it. Dheeraj had met with a boating accident. Even though she knew the activities were safe and Dheeraj’s accident was a rare one, the nervousness remained.

Her heart thudded when she sat behind the boat where she was latched to the seat attached to a parachute like structure.

“Ready?” Aarav asked.

“Yes,” she said nervously.

Looking at her nervous face, he pulled her close and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. “I’m going to be right behind you,” Aarav said. “I won’t let go.” He took the seat behind her and got latched to the same parachute.

Her nervousness dissipated knowing he would be with her.

When the boat began moving, the parachute started to glide up. Familiar warmth of the muscled arms wrapped around her waist making her feel safe.

Sitara screamed, but it was with excitement as they went up in the air.

“Oh my God, this is so crazy!” she laughed.

With her legs hanging in the air and with Aarav’s arms around her, she felt it was one of the most memorable moments in her life. She could see the stunningly picturesque view of the entire island from top.

“Is this how it is when you feel when you fly in your fighter jets?” she asked.

She didn’t know why she brought up the topic, but right then, she didn’t feel a crippling fear imagining him flying into danger. Maybe because a part of her knew things could go wrong anytime, no matter how safe one was like it had happened with Dheeraj.

“Even better,” he replied. He described it, telling her how it was to fly through clouds while the world passed by underneath and knowing you can are in control of the flying.

She could hear the passion in his voice and could easily imagine why it was his dream. Right then, she felt it was a beautiful dream worth pursuing.

They were up in the air for forty-five minutes but the time flew too quickly. Feeling high on the adventure, she readily went on jet skiing and also scuba diving.

Aarav was always next to her, making her feel excited and invincible.

When they returned to the cruise ship much later in the evening, they didn’t stop at any of the restaurants. They went straight to the cabin suite. The door barely shut close when they fell on each other.

“You must be hungry,” she whispered between hot, panting kisses against the cabin suite door. “Let’s order food first.”

They hadn’t eaten a proper lunch. Although the packed sandwiches lunch the cruise offered was fine for her, she knew Aarav had a bigger appetite and must be hungry.

“I am hungry,” he said with a wicked heated smile. “But not for food.” He pulled off her damp dress until she was just in her bra and panties. Meanwhile, she slid her hands under his damp t-shirt and yanked it up until his muscled chest was bared to her. She placed her mouth on his rock-hard abs and bit him.

He growled and her heart raced as he lifted her. Their mouths met again and she wrapped her legs around his hips as he carried her towards the bedroom.

“Shower,” she gasped when he dropped her on the bed and his hand slipped off her panties and bra. They were still covered with sea water and hadn’t washed off after the activities.

“Later,” he said, pulling back her head and taking a long lick on her throat.

“But I’m dirty,” she gasped, knowing he would taste salt on her skin everywhere.

“I like you dirty,” he said and bit into her throat making her shudder.

She didn’t complain anymore. She moaned and clutched his shoulders as his mouth licked off salt from her skin almost everywhere.
