Page 87 of Cruise in Love

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“We hope to see you again soon, Sitara… once a permanent resolution has been reached.”

With amused smiles, Veer and Rohan stepped out of the office, leaving her alone with the angry, brooding man. As soon as the door shut, the man snapped.

“Why are you here, Tara?” he growled.

“Can’t a wife visit her husband?” she asked.

In the past four hours, she also had the time to think about why Aarav had married her in a hurry the previous night.

He wanted to legally bind her to him, to stop her from running away from him again when she found out about Dheeraj and the dangerous secret missions.

She also realized that he knew he would win the Blackjack game that night.

She recalled how good he used to be in cards. One of the leisurely activities in the Air Force camps was to play cards. The jerk must have definitely counted the cards at the table before betting, but he tricked her into thinking it was fate.

She should be pissed at the lengths Aarav went to keep her in his life. But she realized she’d do the same. She would do anything right then to have him in her life. She loved the jerk too much.

His bloodshot eyes flashed. “You made it damn clear to me enough times that you don’t want me in your life. So, go back to yourrealhusband. Be with him, since you chose him over me. Again.”

The man she loved held a long grudge

But she had loved the bossy jerk for too long to not know what would make him see red and claim her.

“Oh, good you feel that way,” she said with a light shrug. “Actually, Dheeraj and I realized we missed each other and wanted to give our marriage a second chance. We had a passionate reunion after you left. We did it on the sofa where you sat. We also did it on the coffee table, and then Dheeraj bent me over—”

She broke off when there was a growl. He looked super pissed. She shrieked and ran when he got up and came after her.

She knew the jerk was possessive as hell. Even though he knew what she said wasn’t true, he would want to stake his claim for even saying it. She had barely made it a few steps when his muscled arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her off her feet.

“Arrogant jerk!” she yelled.

“Stubborn shrew,” he growled, slamming her on the soft leather sofa and pressing her down with his body.

There were a ton of things to talk and resolve between them, but she felt the familiar burning need for him. He felt the same because his hands were already yanking up her dress.

A moment later, she gasped and clung to him when he finally joined their bodies together.

“Say it,” he demanded, slamming into her.

She saw his handsome face as his heated gaze burned while his soul craved to hear the words.

“I love you,” she gasped softly. “I will love you until the day I die. I will never run from you again. And I will never push you away.”

His eyes flashed, and he gripped her hair and kissed her passionately, letting her words soothe him. She held his face and kissed him back until they exploded together.

It was much later when their heartbeats slowed down, he shifted slightly on the sofa, so his weight didn’t crush her

She looked at him and then gently touched his face, until the harsh lines on his face softened with her touch. He caught her hand and kissed her palm, making her heart flutter.

“I didn’t marry you under false circumstances,” he said. “I resigned as an agent three days before our wedding when I decided to marry you.”

She was shocked. “But it has always been your dream to serve, Aarav,” she whispered.

He cupped her face. “You are my dream, Tara. I’ll always choose you above anything. Never doubt it.”

Her heart ached and her eyes stung.

He kissed away her tears. “I know our path to happiness hasn’t been easy,” he said. “But I want you to know, I did mean it when I said I will do everything I can to keep you happy. Nothing else matters to me other than your happiness.”
