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But Jake kept me up all night with his magic dick.

“Jake Henderson, you need to leave me alone.” I burrow back under the covers. “Five more minutes.”

“But you’ve got something else to do before that.”

I love this man, but he’s beginning to annoy the shit out of me with his cheery morning disposition.

“Like what?”

He runs a hand up my bare thigh under the covers. Goose bumps break out over my skin.

Hmmm…that feels nice.

“Like open the present I got you,” he whispers in my ear.

Warmth pools between my legs, and my body is ready. I can’t resist that deep voice, especially when it’s all sexy and whispered in my ear.

I roll over onto my back. He’s leaning up on one elbow, looking down at me. I can’t help but smile back when he flashes that sexy smile and those dimples. It gets me every time.

“Well, you have my attention. So where’s this present I need to open so badly?”

He takes my hand and guides it under the sheet toward his lap. Where I can already see the outline of his morning wood.

I smile and lean forward to kiss him. “I get this present anytime I want,” I say against his mouth. “What’s so—”

I stop talking when I feel a silk ribbon and something hard like metal. “What is that?”

He grins and stacks his hand behind his head. “Go down there and find out.”

I scramble to my knees and pull back the sheet.

Tied around his hard length is a thin, gold ribbon.

With a ring on it.

My mouth drops open as I watch him untie the ribbon from himself.

He brings it up between us and the ribbon dangles from his fingers, the light catching the large diamond as it swings.

“Oh my God.” I’m breathless.

“I love you, Lia Gray. I think I’ve always loved you, even before that summer.” My eyes fill with tears as he holds my stare. “Didn’t know that, did you?”

I shake my head and he grins. “Yeah, me neither for a long time. But it’s true. And the only thing I’ve ever wanted for you is to be happy. I almost fucked it all up thinking I knew better than you did all those years ago.” He stops and grabs the ring, untying it. “I’ve told you before I didn’t deserve you then and I don’t deserve you now. But I know I’m the best man for you because there will never be a man who loves you more than I do. Will you marry me, Sunflower?”

Tears make him blurry in front of me and I nod quickly. “Yes!”

With that smile that turns me inside out in all the best ways, he slides the beautiful rose-gold solitaire on my finger.

“Wow, it’s so huge.”

We both laugh and our eyes meet. “That’s what she said,” we say in unison.

I launch myself into his arms, and his mouth takes mine into a deep, possessive kiss.

When we come up for air, I start laughing, looking at my ring. “I can’t believe you had this tied to your dick.”

He tackles me and rolls me onto my back, settling between my thighs. “Well, I know that’s your favorite body part.”
