Page 50 of With Love, Melody

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Gary’s bushy, gray eyebrows shot upward. “You’re interested in acquisitions? Well, why didn’t you say so last week? I’m learning things about you I never knew.”

TJ only smiled, more concerned with the man’s answer.

“Shoot me your resume as soon as you can. We’ll push you to the top of the consideration pile. We always look to advance our own when we can.”

TJ’s body felt a little weak as he smiled his thanks and watched Gary disappear. It was amazing what choosing faith over fear could accomplish. Nothing had physically changed yet. But it was what had changed on the inside that mattered. And what had changed inside TJ was crucial.

It would be tested tonight. He had a feeling. And it wasn’t a good one.

That night after he prepared to head to the skating rink, he knelt in the middle of his living room and bowed his head.

“Father God, I messed up. Big time. Forgive me for failing to trust you and have faith and courage. Forgive me for not trusting my heart with you and for trying to protect it myself. Forgive me for all the ways I wasn’t there for Melody over the years because I was too worried about my own feelings. I need you tonight. Help Melody to forgive me and to trust me even when I don’t deserve it. Help her to see that I accept everything I know about her. Please—please help her not to run from me.” His voice cracked. “But if she does, help me to hold on to you as I try to find a new way to her heart. I love her so much, God. I don’t want to lose her. But I am choosing to be honest tonight to honor you and her. Give me courage. Amen.”

He lifted his head with a long look heavenward toward his Father, then rose to his feet, pulled on his hat, and stepped out the door.

Chapter Thirteen

Melody tugged her coat collar up and scanned her surroundings. Jeremy should find her, not vice versa. Other than the shady photo on his Holy Appimony profile, she wasn’t sure who she was looking for.

Apprehension hummed through her veins but not overly so. If Jeremy turned out to be the fifty-five-year-old creep she doubted him to be, she would simply walk away. If he was the same sweet guy from the internet, they’d have a nice talk, attend a wedding, and go their separate ways.

Maybe. If she moved forward with TJ.

At the thought, her anxiety skyrocketed.

Nope. She wouldn’t think of him tonight. Tonight was for Jeremy. After that, she’d face her indecision over TJ.


Gasping in surprise, she shot around in a circle. Why was TJ here?

“Hey.” He offered a wobbly smile, appearing as nervous as a first-day new hire who’d forged his entire resume.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

The shoulders of his coat rose and fell in a hefty sigh. “Are you looking for Jeremy?”

She lifted her chin, peeved that he’d ignored her questionandintruded on her secret meeting. Then another thought hit, and she took a step back.

“How do you know about Jeremy? I never told you.”

His lips rolled together into a firm line, his gaze unwavering from her face. But he again chose not to answer her question.

“Did Lucy tell you?” Melody grew more agitated at his silence. “She promised not to!” She was going to wring Lucy’s sorry neck.

“No, she didn’t.”

Confusion made Melody flounder, her gloved hands fluttering in odd motions near her waistline. “Then how do you know?” Frosty air puffed from her mouth with her words.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, a look of pain tightening his face. “Because I’m Jeremy.”

All the air emptied from Melody’s lungs. “I’m sorry…What?”

“I’m…I’m Jeremy. The guy from the dating app. You’ve been talking to me all along.”

The axis of Melody’s world tilted, and she swayed on her feet, nearly teetering over before grabbing the railing of the ice rink. She stared at TJ a long time, her breath coming in ragged, rapid rasps. “It wasyou?”

He nodded, his eyes squinted with unspoken apology. “I wasn’t sure you’d buy it. You know. Tyson—”
