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“Are we still even in the same world?” Oscar mused.

“Yes,” was Daria’s firm response. “Just a different dimension.”

“How do you even know…oh.” Riva’s eyes widened. “You are from a court.”

“Not a seasonal court,” Daria confirmed. “But more or less, yes.”

“I don’t trust Fae,” the shifter declared.

“I don’t trust any of you, but they are the rational choice,” Riva said matter-of-factly. “So, I’m going with you guys.”

Oscar hesitated, then sighed. “I won’t survive here alone.”

Charlie nodded, acknowledging everyone’s decision and bending to pick up the vampire, then hauling the weight over his shoulder while making sure the coat still blocked the sun out. Daria led the way while Oscar caught up, then startled upon further scrutiny of her face.

“Are you blind?”

“What if I am?”

You can’t see where you are leadingseemed to be what Oscar wanted to say, but he shrugged instead. “Nothing. So, is this north?”

Daria’s answer was a murmur as they became immersed in conversation. From the corner of his eye, he noted Riva reluctantly following them from behind before Sona fell in step with him. He shifted his attention to her, the scales gone as she visibly gulped down the fresh air.

“Why do they want you?”

Sona didn’t look at him, choosing to stare at the two parties ahead of them. There was an ease to her movements now compared to her jerky caution earlier, almost like she was slithering. Perhaps the softer ground helped.

“They wanted all of us. I’m not sure why but I heard snippets of transport talk via boats and anonymous dealers. Whatever they wanted with us, I don’t think they wanted it linked to their clan.”

Which only cemented the trafficking theory.

“What are you?”

At that, Sona glanced at him, slits flashing in her orbs before they turned all black.

“Someone dangerous in my world, but very weak here.” She said it so casually, without a hint of fear over what he would do with that information. “Fae are not the only ones who live in spaces beyond the ones you walk on, shifter.”


“Hmm. They caught me at a bad time. They will pay for it.” Sona flicked a look in the vampire lump’s direction. “Not him. He was instructed to stay there in case of trouble, though no one expected it. He was also asked to feed us and tend to us if needed. He has been doing so religiously for the past week. Anyway, I meant the masterminds.”

The promise held a severity that told him she meant it with her heart. “What do they feed you?”

She smiled. It transformed her face until he glimpsed the flawless beauty underneath the weariness and wondered if that was a part of her allure. “I will stay out of your business if you stay out of mine. And I won’t eat any of you, if that’s what you are asking.”

“Fair enough.”

They stayed in silence and continued their walk, the sun beating down on them until Daria had to take out whatever clothes she had in her backpack to cover every one of their heads. Sona lagged and banded with Riva, seemingly calming the woman down until Riva no longer looked reluctant. Ahead, Daria was absorbed in whatever Oscar was talking about, listening intently.

She smiled twice, then laughed once. Oscar grinned in response, the tension letting loose from their shoulders in a way that it hadn’t earlier when she had been too nervous…when she had been with him. It made an odd tightening start in Charlie’s chest to watch someone else make her lose her nerves like that, which was bizarre because it was what he wanted for her. He clutched the strange feeling and flung it away, then trudged faster.

“So, do we keep walking at night, or do we find someplace to get some rest?”

Daria looked up and slowed down, unconsciously matching pace with him. A pleasant feeling ensued, one he tried to brush away, too.

“I don’t think those vampires will be looking for us here,” she said.

“I don’t think so, either,” Sona called out, the two women hurrying to join the conversation. “But we need to find a covered spot. I’m not comfortable sleeping out in the open.”
