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“I would have. But it’s different.”

“Why? Because I’m female and blind?”

“No. Because I can’t lose you. It would drive me crazy.”

The admission drew a blank from her as she could only gape, thunderstruck. The same emotion roiled inside him, repeatedly nudging until he felt like he would explode. But he knew he meant it—knew that this woman meant the world to him, and he would not be taking their friendship for granted ever again. Belatedly, he became aware of their audience once more, but it was only Oscar who was paying close attention. The rest just looked so tired.

A hand pressed against his jaw in soothing motions. He flicked his gaze back to Daria.

“I’m here. Alive. Let’s not dwell on it, okay?”

There was no defense to that pleading tone, so he nodded. Then he reluctantly let her go when she pushed back and stood up.

“Sona?” she asked.

“Present and thankful,” Sona declared, sitting up from her lying position. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize all that weight took its toll on me.”

Daria smiled. “You saved us twice. We should be thanking you.”

“And you saved us in turn, and you look like you are about to pass out. All of you. Let’s just say we all helped each other and it worked.” Sona smiled back. “But we all know who the MVP is.”

Slowly, all heads turned to Diego, who didn’t notice immediately. When he did, his face turned red and he scowled in Riva’s direction. Riva held up her hands.

“Just because I agree to this point doesn’t mean I trust you.” A pause, then, “But I guess you don’t have to be tied up anymore.”

That seemed well enough for the vampire, who relaxed. Charlie waited for them to get out of the branch and land on the ground safely before he spoke again.

“I believe this will be our dwelling for the night, so let’s set up.”

“I will keep guard,” Diego declared.

“Me, too,” Riva piped in, gaze sweeping over the man’s wounds.

“I heal easily, and I can manage,” the vampire countered. “I’m not going to drink from you while you are asleep.”

Riva bristled. “I know that. It’s just that everyone else needs rest, and I have enough energy to stay up. So, I’m staying up.”

There was activity once more as everyone got to moving, but Charlie was too shaken to even pay attention to anything except Daria. Knowing how dangerous it was to lose focus, he decided to volunteer, too, and sent Diego to the lone tent while Sona and Oscar retreated in the other. Daria lingered outside her tent.

“You should get some rest, too. I can keep Riva company.”

“In a few hours,” he promised. “Just until Diego gets his rest.”

That appeased Daria, who disappeared inside her tent. Riva found fruits nearby, tossed them inside the tents, and took the remaining ones to Charlie. They ate in companionable silence and watched the moon rise. It had Riva scoffing.

“We are in a different world—dimension, whatever—and the moon still thinks it can tempt us.”

“Does it tempt you?” he asked curiously, studying how at ease she was with him compared to her usual stance with Diego. She shook her head.

“Being half helps. But I have seen how it wreaks havoc on my kin when they can’t shift during the full moon.” She paused. “Does it tempt you?”

He glanced at the moon and felt the light thrum inside him, fluttering around his beast. It stirred from time to time but was mostly in slumber, unbothered.

“Sometimes. When there are fewer problems at hand.”

“How long will it take before you get to shift freely again?”

Translation: how many more obstacles would we encounter before we get home?
