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But the entrance only held the sleeping Oscar, and two others were nowhere to be found. Now the panic spread, a frenzy in his system until something glittered out of the corner of his eye.

“What the—”

Mindlessly, he dove into the space where he found a bigger space—and something else that had him stopping in his tracks. The bear exploded into fight mode, stopped only at the last second before it could tear apart his clothes. When the creature saw his half-shifted state, it did what any creature would do.

It puffed out, body forming a bigger ball, fur standing on end until it was twice the size of its original state. It rolled towards him, ready to knock him down and—


His claws, close to sinking in, halted. His gaze flew up to meet flinty ones assessing him, an intelligence that belied how insistently it was trying to nuzzle him. Bewildered, he stayed where he was, braced to either be flattened or regaled with even more cuteness. When the nuzzling was the only thing happening, he sat up and arched his body, a tentative offer.

It went wild rubbing against his chest, then against his head until he was close to smothering. He bit back a sound of confusion and kept his voice gentle.

“I assume you are the one exuding this energy and making this cave area so…colorful, but who are you? Or what are you? And why are you…?”

Clothes landed in his line of vision, crumpled beside a body of water. But his focus locked on the clothes—specifically, who they belonged to. The relaxed feeling dissipated as the panic slammed its way back in and he rolled to tackle the creature to the ground. It was a laughable attempt considering how massive it was, perhaps four to five times his size, but he felt it stop its nuzzling.

“Did you eat her?” he demanded. “Or did you drown her?”

When the creature didn’t answer, he pushed it aside, needing to borrow from his shifter side with how heavy it was. At the moment of reprieve, he sprinted forward and scrambled to the water. He felt sick. He felt lightheaded at the idea that he let the creature distract him from his goal, and now it was too late—

Hands rose from the water. Then a figure pushed out of it, splashing water everywhere and bringing a shadow of curves in its wake. When the light from the colorful walls hit, the shadows became crystal clear, and he was treated to a sight that emptied everything inside him but this. Her.

Charlie saw the hair first, gliding down smooth, pale shoulders and sticking to soft, sensual curves. He glimpsed her breasts next, swaying when she stretched her arms up, round and firm and dusted with the pinkest, smallest tips. Then there was her belly with the slightest paunch, hips that flared…lean, creamy legs that extended for days, where a little triangle hid her most sensitive, precious treasure.

Nothing made sense, but she did. Nothing could have smacked him in the face more than her, naked, puncturing a hole into the wall of defense he had put up until it crumbled into non-existence. Free of it, the desire no longer had anything to hide behind and could only blossom forward. It rampaged, marching to a beat that ensnared his soul and made him want nothing to do but admit to his denials.

He wanted this woman. He ached for this woman and wanted to touch everything he was seeing and everything he had felt beforehand. He wanted to fuck her to oblivion and make her scream, then flip her around and lap up every bit. He wanted to eat her up and empty her mind as he did, and every position known to mankind presented itself upon him. His cock hardened to a painful state, and his body trembled, close to exploding.

Best friend. Best friend. Best fucking friend with a mission. Fucking. Fuck her—

He turned around, zoning in on one word: mission. Her goal. Her life. She mattered, not his hormones—not his goddamn, unwanted attraction and desire to mount her and—

Charlie seized on the chance that her eyes were still closed, his only saving grace as he threw himself into action. The more action, the less thinking…anything to get rid of the rawness he was feeling at the moment.


Dumfounded silence.


And that was how he knew that she hadn’t been aware. It was a consolation, wasn’t it? It wasn’t too late to turn things around.

Keep lying to yourself, asshole.

“Get dressed.”

“Did you—how did—you! You were supposed to guard me.”

He was pretty sure that wasn’t meant for him. He glanced at the creature beside him, who ogled her without a single emotion. He reached out to pat it, another action that took his focus as the creature rubbed against his hand.

“You know this one?”

“I saved it from blood loss. I think we are friends now, so I asked it to guard me while I took a bath. Charlie?”

Bath. Naked. All that water sluicing all over her curves….

