Page 17 of Holiday Stalker

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I eye the bags in the bedroom as I dry off, a wicked smile touching my lips.

I hope he's ready for it.



“Thanks for sending that information over.” I glance out the door to my study, making sure Winter is nowhere around. I don't want to ruin the surprise. “And as you know, I'll show my appreciation in your holiday bonus.”

I’m damn near elated when I end the call with my assistant. It isn't that I didn't trust things would go well, but I wanted to be sure before I presented Winter's gift that everything was in place. I wouldn't want to get her hopes up prematurely.

Everything is set for dinner. I do wish I could trust her enough to take her out, but I've never had a bad experience with the company I called in for our private meal. Frankly, it isn't the food I'm most interested in, anyway. All I want is to spend every minute with her, no matter what we're doing.

Who am I kidding? After what was supposed to be punishment turned into the two of us using each other in that dressing room, all I want is more of her body. I always knew it would be good once we fucked, but I had no idea. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it being like that. Beyond hot, beyond thrilling and satisfying. It was almost like fucking for the first time, a completely new experience thanks to the joy of witnessing her come alive in my hands as I moved inside her.

There I was, imagining I'd open her world, wake her up to new experiences. She's doing the same for me, giving me a new appreciation for just about every aspect of life.

She was adamant about being left alone to get ready, and now I'm waiting while our dinner keeps warm in the oven. My anticipation is unbearable but in the best way. Like the anticipation of waiting for Christmas morning.

It's seven-thirty on the dot when her footsteps echo downstairs. I finish pouring wine for the two of us in the dining room, then turn, holding the glasses, prepared to offer her one.

A mistake, since the sight of her leaves me close to dropping both. I have to put them down, or else I'll do just that.

“Do I look alright?” The uncertainty in her voice is touching and charming. And completely unnecessary. I knew the silver dress would be perfect for her, and it is, setting off her icy beauty to perfection while displaying her perfect body like it was made solely for her. She tucks a strand of golden hair behind one ear, offering a shy grin.

I finally realize she's waiting for an answer while I've been standing here in mute admiration. “You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.”

“You're just saying that.”

“Winter, you need to know something about me. I never just say anything. You're enough to take my breath away.”

She’s never more beautiful than when she blushes. “Well, you bought the dress.”

“But it's all about the way you wear it.” And the way I cannot wait to take it off her, but that will come in due time. “Please, have a drink with me.”

“It smells amazing in the kitchen.” She accepts the wine, and her hand trembles a bit when she does.

“Are you still afraid of me?” I hold my breath, waiting for the answer.

“No. Really,” she insists at my skeptical look. “No, I'm not scared. And if I'm nervous, it's in a good way.”

“For what reason?”

“I wanted to apologize for trying to run off on you earlier. That was wrong, and I'm not just saying it. I mean it. I'll never do that again.”

The frank sincerity in the way she says it gives me hope. “You mean it?”

“I'm not going to pretend it wasn't fun getting punished.” Her eyes sparkle, and God, it does something to me. She awakens every possessive, protective instinct I have, just as she did when I first set eyes on her. When I knew she was something special.

“I only want to make you happy. I'll devote my life to it, if you'll let me.”

“I’ll let you.” Even in heels, she has to stand on tiptoe to give me a soft, sweet kiss that threatens to make me forget all about dinner in favor of taking her upstairs—or right here in the dining room. She’s smiling when she pulls away and drops down to her normal height. “I’m yours.”

My heart is so full, I hardly know what to do. Is this what I've been missing out on all this time? The give and take? Because I see now it isn't only about what I can do for her. It's about the joy of her accepting what I want so much to give. I finally get it. And that's her gift to me, one I know I'll take with me the rest of my life.

Yet there are other, just as pleasurable gifts. “I have something for you. I was going to wait until tomorrow morning, but I can't. I'm looking forward to it too much to wait any longer.”

“You already gave me so much today.”
