Page 18 of Holiday Stalker

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“This is a different sort of gift.”

“I can’t imagine anything to top all of this.” Her big blue eyes take in the lavishly decorated dining room. In keeping with the rest of the house, there’s a sparkling tree in one corner that’s bright enough to nearly light the entire room without the help of the overhead chandelier.

It’s foreign to me. Warmth I eschewed before now. Before her.

I never had a reason to decorate or to commemorate the holiday.

She turns to me, wearing a sly look. “Did you put up all these decorations yourself?”

“The truth?”


She giggles when I shake my head. “No. I don't normally decorate the house for the holidays. It's only me, after all, and I'm usually busy with travel, anyway. This year's...”

I look up at the shining monstrosity and am unable to hold back a smile. “It seemed appropriate. I had something to celebrate, finally.”

“I'm honored, really.”

“You honor me.”

The beginnings of a sly grin stir at the corners of her pink, glossy lips. “Okay, the suspense is killing me. What's this gift you were talking about?”

I dip a hand into my back pocket and pull out my phone, where the articles my assistant sent await her to read. “I made a promise to a certain someone the night we met. Mind you, I had already planned to work my magic and take his company before that night ever came, but his actions made me more determined than ever. I wasn't going to stop at taking his company. I decided to destroy him.”

She takes the phone from me, frowning as she reads. “I don't understand. Disgraced CEO arrested on charges of fraud?”

“Your friend from the party. Josh Crawley.” I scroll down until I reach another pertinent quote in the article. “As you can see, he's not doing so well. Turns out a little digging uncovered a lot of improprieties by Mr. Crawley. I figured I would get him on buried sexual assault allegations or something like that, but it was actually much easier. He didn't cover his tracks very well. And I have very good accountants who know what to look for.”

“He's going to prison?” she whispers, her eyes perfectly round as she skims the article. “Seriously?”

“Once he goes to trial, I'm certain of it. The law doesn't take kindly to embezzlers. But then again, what's he got to live for right now? I took his business, as well.”

“Just like that?”

“Like I said, I had the pieces in place. You added incentive, is all.”

“You did this because of me?”

“That's my point. This is barely scratching the surface of what I would do for you.” I gently remove the phone from her grasp, bringing her attention back to me. Fuck, she is the most beautiful creature ever born. I never thought I would know joy like this, the simple joy of making someone happy, caring for and protecting them. “I would bring you the heads of your enemies on a silver platter if you asked. That man hurt you, and he did it with impunity. Now, he'll have a nice, long prison stint to think it over.”

I take her face in my hands, marveling at her softness, the luscious scent of her hair, her sparkling blue eyes. She glows in the lights from the tree—but it's inside her, as well. That certain something that makes her unique. The beauty she holds inside, radiating from her and knocking me to my knees.

“Is there anybody else whose life you need me to ruin? I could get addicted to it.” I am already addicted to her.

She laughs softly as if in disbelief. “I don't know what to say. Is it wrong that I'm really, really happy?”

“That's how I hoped you'd be. For the record, I plan on renaming the company, as well. The name Winter comes to mind.” Her gasp makes me laugh. “What, too heavy-handed? Naming the company after you?”

“Are you kidding?” She throws her arms around my neck, laughing, and I'm laughing as I wind my arms around her slim waist and pull her close.

“Anything for you,” I whisper in her ear before skimming the lobe with my lips. “Anything, always.”

“Anything?” She pulls back a little, and I think I could learn to love that devilish smile she wears. “So you wouldn't mind if we left dinner in the oven for a little while longer?”

She said the magic words. Now my cock is intensely interested. “What did you have in mind?” I murmur while he comes to life in anticipation.

“What do you think?” She reaches down, sliding a hand between us, and cups me.
