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The way he stared at my chest, though…

I don’t think he even realised he was doing it. He looked dazed and I wasn’t sure whether he was just tired or whether my chest was catching his attention. When he blinked and looked up at me, his eyes were dark and I got my first real indication that my sexy professor was interested in me. Suddenly, everything else seemed insignificant. I wanted to dance around in joy.

I didn’t, though. I led Waggoner over to the table and pulled out a chair for him. I wanted him to take it easy today. And I might have put my hand on his back to guide him over there and got to feel him underneath my palm.

Right at that moment, I couldn’t decide whether this was the best or the worst thing to ever happen to me. I was going to absolutely love being around Waggoner so much. And, if things went the way I hoped they would – i.e. Waggoner realised he was wildly in love with me and fell into my arms or dragged me into his bed – then my life would be perfect.

If things didn’t go that way, though, what I’d actually just signed up for was a week or so of utter frustration and a lifetime of loneliness. Yeah, I wasn’t worried. I wasn’t. Waggoner was going to love me.

I vowed right then to keep my shirt off permanently. Anything I could use in my favour right then would be deployed like a weapon. After all, Waggoner had all the brains and I needed to prove I had something to bring to the relationship, too. And what I had were muscles.

I made coffee and realised – belatedly – that I’d found out what kind of coffee he drunk one day when I’d followed him into the cafeteria and I had to lie (badly, I might add) about when I’d learned that.

My silver fox was already testing my self-control. He closed his eyes when he sipped at his coffee and I saw the bliss flick across his face. My filthy mind went instantly to the possibility that I’d see that on his face again, preferably for longer and, instead of coffee, the bliss would be because of the way my dick moved inside him.

I tried to force my mind onto more important matters. Like how my omega felt that morning. I wanted to know whether he was in pain or not. He said not, but I didn’t really believe him. He had a closed-off expression that made me want to make him tell me the truth, to open up to me about every feeling in his body, good or bad.

On top of that, I already couldn’t keep my hands to myself. Staring at his handsome face, with the faint purple mark on his cheek, I’d reached out to brush my fingers round it, tracing the outline of it. For a second, I thought he’d throw me out of his flat. But to my surprise, he leaned ever so slightly into my touch. Not by much, just enough to assure me that he wanted physical contact more than he was letting on.

It wasn’t the time for that, though. Not now, not with him still in pain.

I stood. I needed to distract myself before my half-hard cock got the wrong idea and became fully hard.

I busied myself in the kitchen and made some toast. I wanted to make him a proper breakfast but there wasn’t much food in the place. I’d placed a home-delivery order from the supermarket to get some shopping so I could feed my omega healthy meals.

Waggoner suddenly sat bolt upright, a bite of toast in his mouth. “Shit, is that the time? I’m late.”

He stood and I was so surprised by the fact that my professor swore that I didn’t process what he was saying until he was out of the kitchen.

I rushed after him.

“Waggoner, you’re not going in to work today.”

He was in his bedroom and he’d not closed the door so I didn’t feel bad pushing it open and standing in the doorway.

He looked up at me. “What do you mean I’m not going in? Of course I am.”

“No, you’re not. You’re staying home and healing.”

“I can’t just—”

“You can and you will. I already okayed it with Professor Gatwick.”


“Dunno his first name. The omega professor. The kinda scary one.”

Waggoner nodded. “Yes, that’s Alder. Wait, you already okayed it with him? How did you do that?”

I shrugged. “I rang the faculty and asked to be put through. Told him what had happened.”

Waggoner was standing by his bed, staring at me open-mouthed. I began to worry.

“Was that wrong? It wasn’t like they wouldn’t find out what happened anyway – there’s going to be a crime report. And people need to know they should be vigilant until the mugger is caught.”

“No, I suppose not. I just didn’t expect—”

Relief made me smile. “Professor Gatwick said you needed to take a full week off. And he doesn’t sound like the sort of person you should disobey.”
