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We ran out onto the pitch to begin warm-up and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Chapter 21: Waggoner

It was strange, to be at home all day and not have to go to work. It was even stranger to be waiting for my alpha to get home.

I still got a shiver of pleasure as I thought about that. Liam was my alpha. He was coming home to me.

When the doorbell rang, my first, irrational thought was that it was Liam back early. But that didn’t make sense, since Liam had a key now.

I tried not to let my disappointment show as I opened the door tonotLiam.

It was Alder. He bounced into the apartment as I was still saying, “Good afternoon.”

“I just came to see how you’re doing and to give you these.”

He handed a folder of papers across to me and I took them automatically in one hand. The other was still strapped up by my brace and it was still annoying but at least my wrist wasn’t hurting so much any more. In fact, because I was resting it, it hardly hurt at all.

Alder was looking at me, scanning his eyes down my body.

“I see you got a good seeing to, Waggoner. You’re looking much more relaxed.”

I felt my face flame.

“I really wish you wouldn’t say things like that.”

“But it’s true! Also, it’s incredibly funny to see you blush like that. Do you want to tell me all about it?”


“Are you sure? I could probably stand to hear all the saucy details. How big is his cock?”

My hand made an aborted movement to demonstrate just how big Liam’s cock was, before I realised what I was doing and yanked my hands down.

Alder laughed at how close I’d come to actually answering that question and I bobbled the folder for a few moments because the sudden movement had made it slip out of my hand.

“Come and sit down.” Alder led me through my own apartment to the kitchen and sat me at the kitchen table. I tried not to let my gaze linger on the work top where Liam had fucked me for the first time, filling me with his dick and his knot.

Alder began to make himself at home, preparing some coffee and getting mugs out the cupboard.

“At least this time, you don’t look like you’re about to collapse. You’ve got some colour back in your cheeks. In fact, you’ve got a lot of colour in your cheeks, Waggoner. You want to tell me what’s making you so red?”


“Is it your alpha’s cock?”


He snorted. “Told you what you needed was a horny young man.”

“Something like that.”

“Here, have some coffee. Move that folder – you don’t want to spill this over the papers.”

For the first time, I properly looked down at the folder. “What’s in it?”

“The papers you were taking home to grade the night you were mugged.”
