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I chuckle because her suggestion is hilarious. The woman is delusional. “Please tell me one good reason why he is going to end things with me rather than you?”

“Because I am the one carrying his baby, Alana, not you.” She smirks.

“Yeah, right. You are lying. I know you and Ezra haven’t been having sex,” I exclaim. Like I am going to believe she is pregnant. It is a pathetic attempt to get under my skin.

“It is the truth. I am over three months, but I only just found out. I can show you the proof if you like. I have the ultrasound pictures from the scan in my bag,” she says smugly, dipping her hand into her bag and taking a photo out. It is attached to some paperwork from medical centre.

I notice at first glance the paperwork is hers, and there in black and white is the information to tell me she isn’t lying. She is pregnant.

“It probably isn’t even Ezra’s baby,” I snap, secretly praying it isn’t because I can’t compete with that.

“It is. I will have the DNA results as proof by next week. I got the doctor to do a prenatal test because I know Ezra will ask the same things.” She is so pleased with herself as she tells me. A smile grows on her lips, and she has a triumphant look in her eyes.

I can feel tears starting to brim in my eyes and my heart sinks in my chest, but I refuse to let her see me in such a state.

“I advise you to end things right now because the second he finds out I am carrying his baby, you are gone. You will become nothing but an afterthought—a mistake he made. I know more of Ezra’s past than he realizes I do, about the neglect and psychical abuse he suffered. I know having a family is something he dreams of, and I will be the one to give it to him.” Bella rubs her stomach, smiling victoriously at me.

“Oh, and don’t try to work out a plan so he can continue to see you and his baby, because if I find out the two of you try anything like that, I will make sure Ezra doesn’t see his child. He can fight for custody, but let's be honest, I would win, especially when I make him out to be a lying, untrustworthy, cheating liar with a past he still hasn’t overcome, which could possibly affect the way he takes care of our child if left alone.”

I am disgusted by how easily such horrible words come from her lips. “You wouldn’t. I know you are a bitch, but one person can’t be so damn heartless. Ezra will be an amazing father,” I defend, and I mean it.

“Try me, Alana. Disappear, bitch, because if you don’t, I will ruin not only his life, but yours too. Don’t make me warn you again. Stay away from him.” She threatens, slapping me hard before I even see it coming.

She storms off, and I stand there, shocked and feeling too many emotions at once to think straight. It takes me a moment to come to. I rush over and slam my front door closed. I turn around, pressing my back to the door I slide to the ground. I hug my knees to my chest and break down. My heart is hurting because I know how all of this is going to end.

I refuse to be the reason Bella would use to keep Ezra’s baby away from him. I can’t do that to him or his unborn child. His baby needs to come first, and I won’t get in the way of that. Ezra will be an amazing father and cherish his little one because he knows how it feels not to have parents who care about you. He is going to give the little one the best life possible, and it will be so loved. I don’t know Bella well enough to confirm if she will be a good mother, but maybe having a baby is what she needs to change.

Even if Ezra doesn’t want to be with her, he will probably try his best to keep them together as a family.

I bury my face in my hands and let myself cry for I don’t know how long. I want to call Ezra, but I can’t. He needs to hear the news from Bella. I manage to drag myself to my feet and head to bed, climbing in it I hide under the covers.

This wasn’t how today was supposed to go. Tomorrow was meant to be a new chapter for Ezra and me. Now I have lost the love of my life. I don’t know how I am going to face him when he comes by.

One thing I do know, though, is we need to end our relationship because his baby comes first. No matter what! I only hope Bella is telling the truth when she says the baby is Ezra’s, but it must be if she is willing to get a DNA test on her unborn child. If it all turns out to be a lie, it will kill Ezra.

I want him to have the chance to be a father. Do I wish it was me carrying his baby and not Bella? Yes, but it isn’t, and I will not get in the way of him becoming a father.

It will destroy me to lose him, to lose everything we have, but it is the right thing to do, no matter how much it hurts.

I’ve been pacingoutside of Alana’s apartment for twenty minutes or more. I’m trying to find the courage to knock on the door or walk in. How do I tell her Bella is pregnant? I am still trying to come to terms with it because it isn’t something I expected to happen. I feel sick to my stomach. No, not because I am going to be a daddy, but because it means I am stuck with Bella, and it changes everything between Alana and me.

I hope we can work something out. I want to be in my baby's life, of course I do because it is my baby, and I will love the little thing unconditionally. I also want to still be able to be with Alana, but I am not sure if it will work out that way. I have so much to work out. Bella told me she was pregnant and then walked out saying she would call me later because she had plans. I was not happy because I thought talking about our unborn child, her pregnancy, should have been more important than her going to meet her friends. I guess not.

I take a couple of deep breaths before finally knocking on the door. If I pace any longer, I’ll make myself crazy. I usually walk in, but knocking gives me a little extra time to prepare to see her. I hit the door a couple of times, but there’s no answer. She should be home by now. Maybe she is having a nap or in the shower.

I try the door handle, it’s unlocked. I keep my hand on it, taking one last breath I let myself in. I glance around, but can’t see her, then I hear sobbing from her bed. She is crying. I rush over. “Alana, what’s wrong?” I ask, concerned.

“Ezra?” She sounds surprised to see me. I told her I would be over today. Alana rolls over to face me. Her face is puffy, and her eyes are red from crying.

I crawl over to her, lying beside her. “Why are you so upset, my love?” I reach forward to wipe her tears away and caress her face. She looks sad, broken even. I have no idea what could make her so upset.

“Bella. Has she spoken to you?” She whimpers, the tears streaming down her cheeks again.

“You know?” I question, confusion swamping me, and she nods. “How?” I don’t understand. I only found out less than an hour ago. I haven’t told her, so how can she already know?

Alana sits up, resting her back on the wall she pulls her knees to her chest. “Bella stopped by earlier and took pleasure in telling me.” Her words are shaky when she speaks.

She came here. How did she know about us and where Alana is staying? She must have had me followed…unless my father told her about Alana. I follow her lead and sit up, too. “Wait, what? She knows about us?”
