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To me, my omega physiology is the norm. But I can imagine it might be strange and maybe a little gross to someone who isn’t used to copious amounts of body fluids.

Rook runs a single finger down over my jawline. “You’d be the first.”

Fuck. That’s what I was afraid of. I pull a hand over my face and start in on the uncomfortable biology lesson. “I don’t know how much you saw the other night with Drago and me, but omegas are different from other designations.”

“Oh, you mean the swimming pool of slick needed to take a knot? Yeah. Witches do that too. It’s why mages have knots, silly.”

“Oh. Oh!” That’s right. The two go together. Look at me making problems where there aren’t any. “Well, that’s good to know.”

“Any other things I should know about? Kinks? Fantasies? Safe words?”

I grin at him. “Until recently, I haven’t been able to fuck my mates. I’m just discovering everything I like. So far, I like praise from Rafe and degradation from Jonah. I like spankings with Drago, and yesterday proved I really like getting fucked while he’s partially shifted.”

“Heh, that’s not gonna work with a crow shifter.”

I let out a long belly laugh. “Right. Guess not. But, so far, there hasn’t been something my mates have tried that I haven’t liked. So, I guess I’m pretty open.”

“Well, that’s good to hear. I don’t know what I like either.”

I stare at him. “What do you mean?”

Oh my god, is Rook a virgin? I couldn’t imagine that being the case. He’s far too good looking not to have had a girlfriend at some point.

“I mean, witch culture around sex is very different. Men get used for genetic material and that’s about it. We aren’t allowed a lot of room for… experimentation, shall we say.”

He hides it, but there’s a darkness in his tone. It creeps into his gaze as well, filling it with the memories of whatever he’s lived through.

I open my hand, offering it to him. “Do you want to tell me about it?”

Rook doesn’t take my hand. His gaze falls to his lap.

But he takes a breath and begins his story.

“In my earlier years, I was bound to a single witch. It’s unheard of. Men are more often treated like communal sperm banks than bound to one witch. Why waste genetic material on a single woman, right? But she and I were in love, or so I thought, and she petitioned the council to allow us to become a bonded pair.” He lets out a slow breath and takes a minute before continuing.

“I thought she was doing me a favor. She knew how I felt about the whole system. I thought she was saving me from it.”

Rook pauses again, and I ignore the wolf instinct to touch him in comfort. If he’s going where I think he’s going, unwanted touch is the last thing my mage wants.

“In a way, I think being used by her was worse than being used by the entire coven. With the coven, at least I knew where I stood. I knew I was little more than property to them. I knew what to expect. But she was supposed to love me. She was supposed to—

“Needless to say, she didn’t hold up her end of the bargain. We mated once a month only while she was fertile and only for as long as it took for me to come and give her my sperm.”

My throat hardens as he continues, and I can’t help fantasizing about finding the witch who broke my crow mate and breaking her in turn.

“She drugged me to get me hard, and if I didn’t come quickly enough for her liking, she’d try to coax it from me with saccharin compliments that only affirmed how much I hated her and my situation. She’d tell me how strong I was, what good witches I’d make. How good I felt…”

“But for someone who didn’t want to be used, who only wanted to be loved, she was only making it worse,” I whisper.

Rook nods. “Eventually, I learned how to detach myself from it. To imagine a beautiful soft woman who loved me instead of the power-hungry hag who only wanted to further her station in the coven by having the brother of the third-in-line sire her children.” Rook takes a steadying breath and finally puts his hand in mine. “The moment I saw you, Willa, I knew you’d never hurt me the way she did. You’d never use me just to further your own agenda.”

I stroke his cheek. “Is that why you like to watch?”

He nods. “Can’t get anyone pregnant by watching. Plus, I get some insight into what pleases you. Although, I will say, I can’t doanyof the things you and Drago do.”

I giggle at him. “And I wouldn’t ask you to. I like different things with different mates, and I want us to discover exactly what we like together, OK?”

Rook smiles at me; the weight finally lifted from his gaze. “Sounds good.”
