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Testing the Waters... Ew, it's wet, nevermind

“Would you like a safe word?Something that resets whatever we’re doing with little effort and no questions?” I ask as we sit on the bed facing each other.

Rook is fucking gorgeous, and it’s taking every bit of self-control I have not to rip his clothes off and ride him to oblivion.

I don’t want our first time to be a reminder of anything bad for him.

But I also really want to fuck his brains out.

It’s a delicate situation, to say the least.

“That’s a good idea,” he says and takes off his shirt.

My mouth floods with saliva at the sight of his lean muscles. “Fuck, you’re really hot,” I whisper under my breath.

When I meet his gaze again, expecting to find the flirty confidence I’d grown accustomed to, I don’t.

Rook’s blue gaze is full of sorrow.

I reach for him, my way of offering comfort, but stop myself short, hands falling to my lap in an awkward heap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say something that would hurt you.” The words tumble out of my mouth, and I could kick myself for already fucking this up.

He gives me a sad little smile. “You didn’t hurt me, Willa.”

“Are you sure? ‘Cause you look—”

“With one sentence, you’ve already shown me more kindness, more appreciation, than she ever did.”

And it clicks into place for me. I know exactly what Rook needs to feel special, to heal the trauma that bitch witch caused him.

My mouth floods yet again. I lock eyes with my mage and ask, “May I touch your chest, Rook?”

He shudders as if my words have physically touched him. Brows drawn tight in some complicated or conflicted emotion I’m not qualified to name, he gives me a single nod.

I glide my hand over the smooth plane of his chest. He’s leaner than my wolves, but no less masculine, no less beautiful.

And no less mine.

Slowly, the tension falls from his features. His shoulders relax, hunching forward slightly as he leans into my touch.

My instinct says to praise him for any and all progress, the way I like.

But if his former mate—


I wouldn’t think of the woman who abused Rook as his mate. Ifshehad used praise to make him feel small, or like he was only as good as the service he provided, then praise from me likely wouldn’t work.

Should I take it the other way? Degrade him the way Jonah sometimes likes to do with me?

I don’t think that’s the answer, either. But maybe…

“Rook, may I come closer?” I whisper as I lean in. I haven’t moved on the bed yet, and I won’t until he says it’s OK.

He sucks in a breath and gives a single nod.

I approach slowly, scooting closer until our knees touch and I could lean in and kiss him if I wanted.
