Page 91 of One Kind Night

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A month later . . .

Isabel helped Nicole bring platters of veggies and cheese and crackers out to a table set up in Christian’s backyard. Sunshine marked this perfect August Saturday and she was looking forward to spending the day outside with the Henley clan.

She just wished Jackson was here. He’d finished his semester in D.C., but he had a few things to take care of before he could leave: finding someone to take over the rent on his apartment, ironing out the details of the university’s sponsoring of his Sadekowi dig in Vermont, and finishing grading the final exams he’d administered to his students. She’d offered to help him with that last part, but once she’d said they all deserved an A+ for dealing with him, he’d declined her assistance. Just as well. She had zero interest in reading answers to archaeology questions.

She had, however, an unquenchable interest in seeing Jackson again. In the weeks he’d been in D.C. she’d employed the help of Dakota and Noah and a few other handy guys in Maplehaven to help her expand the cottage Jackson had stayed in at Pine River Cottages. The place was now big enough to be the perfect Sex Cottage for her and Jackson and she couldn’t wait to make it a home with him. She understood he’d be gone on digs sometimes, but at least her grandfather—and all her wonderful friends in Maplehaven—would be close by to keep her company.

Plus there would be all the guests the new and improved Pine River Cottages and Mountain Resort would attract that would keep her busy when Jackson was gone too. When he was around, he’d promised to help out at the resort in whatever way he could. Honestly, if the man merely walked around the premises, looking all sexy hot, Isabel would be able to keep those cottages filled with female guests throughout the year.

Not that she wanted other females ogling her man. He was hers and only hers.

According to his last text, Jackson expected to be back in Vermont by the end of next week and Isabel was happy to have the distraction of Christian and Nicole’s Saturday afternoon barbecue. Spending time with the Henleys was almost as good as having Jackson nearby.


“Belly, I think Blaze is bugging Christian’s cats,” Grandpa said from his Adirondack chair in the backyard. He motioned to the dog whose head was wedged under Christian’s side porch. Blaze’s tail swished back and forth through the grass as he inched farther under the small space.

“Blaze! Get over here!” Isabel slapped her thigh and the dog instantly backed up and ran for her. She gathered his big head in her hands, rubbing his cheeks until his yellow-green eyes squeezed shut. “You be a good boy and leave those kitties alone. Christian won’t let you come over anymore if you misbehave.”

Blaze angled his head at her then pushed his nose into her chest, snuffling as his tail still wagged.

“Yeah, yeah. I know. It’s hard to be a good boy when those five cats are slinking around, but this is their yard.” She reached back to the table behind her and grabbed a cube of cheese. Waving it in front of the dog, she led her pooch over to Grandpa. “Sit.”

Blaze’s butt hit the grass.

“Lie down.”

Blaze’s belly lowered, his gaze never leaving that cheese.

“Good boy. Now you stay with Grandpa.” Isabel tossed the cheese into the air and Blaze snatched it up. She grabbed a few more cubes and gave them to her grandfather. “Bribe him to stay with you.”

“Got it.” Grandpa saluted her then ran his foot over Blaze’s back as he gave Isabel a big smile.

She was overjoyed at how good Grandpa was doing in terms of health. The man had stuck to the diet his cardiologist had given him and had been taking it easy as prescribed. Being kidnapped by Ward and Company hadn’t left him with any physical problems either though she had noticed Grandpa scanning his surroundings a little more observantly when he left his cottage. The two of them had talked and plotted and planned at length for the renovations to Pine River Cottages and Isabel truly believed the project had breathed new life into her grandfather. She couldn’t think of a better business partner.

“I forgot to tell you,” Aliza said as she brought chips and dip out to the food table. “A couple in the class I did at the cottages yesterday said they planned to make a weekend at Pine River Cottages part of their yearly plans. They’ve had a blast between staying at their cozy cottage, dancing with Tessa, doing yoga with me, and going ziplining and canoeing with Dakota.” Aliza jostled Isabel by the shoulder. “You’re doing a great thing for Maplehaven here, sister.”

“I hope so.”

“I know so,” Aliza said. “I also had a couple of my local students ask about Pine River Cottages. They saw the brochures I put out and at least three of them have anniversaries coming up next month. I think they were interested in getting away without getting away, you know?”

“Hmm...” Isabel tapped a finger to her lips. “Maybe I should brainstorm some anniversary packages. Something that includes a private couples’ yoga session or ballroom dance lessons and a romantic dinner at Albero’s.”

“Fantabulous ideas, Isabel. I’m in.”

Isabel high-fived Aliza then laughed when Christian emerged from his house carrying a platter of red meat over his head as if he’d hunted for it himself. He grunted as he approached the grill and Donovan and Landon joined in.

“Cavemen,” Tessa said, rolling her eyes as her Pyrenees, Remi, trailed after Christian, the dog’s tongue hanging out in hopes of some meat being dropped.

“Absolute Neanderthals,” Nicole agreed.

“But they are so hot,” Aliza said, stopping her own dog, a beagle-spaniel mix named Delilah, from joining Remi.

Isabel nodded, wishing so badly that Jackson was a part of that Henley brother procession. Those times when he was on a dig were going to be tough.

But the times he was in Maplehaven would be fantastic and she planned to make the most of them.
