Page 20 of Collide

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“You know I am. I’ll be sitting with Asher, your biggest cheerleader.” Madison teases me. “Did you remember your pom poms tonight, Ash?”

I grin. “Nope they’re right here in my back pocket.”

We all laugh.

I hope we never stop hanging out, the three of us. Because no matter where we are, we always manage to have fun.



“I’d prefer if Mason didn’t know you’re helping me.” I set my bag on the booth before sliding across from Asher.

We’re meeting at a coffee shop in the next town over, away from campus. It was my idea, not wanting anyone to see us studying together.

It’s stupid, I know. We hang out all the time together. But he’s helping me. Perfect Madison with her perfect life and perfect grades.

Too bad nobody’s perfect.

And that little fact needs to remain on the down low. Because second in her high school graduating class girls don’t need help.

They go on to become lawyers or doctors or some sort of amazing success, the same kind my successful parents have. Like my father, the successful criminal defense attorney or my mother, a doctor, who runs her own practice.

They might not say it all the time, but the pressure is there. I feel it whenever I’m around them.

Yet not for Mason. He has an excuse.

He’s more athletic, less book smart. But a successful football career? Now that’s successful. They approve. And off he goes.

While I drown under the weight of my classes.

“Mads, you good? I ordered you a coffee.”

Asher’s voice breaks through my daze and I focus on his handsome face.

“Yeah. Just…I don’t know. Nevermind. I tried to organize—”

Asher interrupts. “Mads. What’s wrong? Did you sleep alright?”

His worry warms me inside at the same time it annoys me. Only because I can take care of myself. But for some reason, Asher and Mason think I can’t. Sometimes I wonder if they report back to my parents.

“Yes. It’s stress. Which is why I need you to help me organize. So I color coded these folders according to each class and I printed out my schedule along with a blank schedule to organize my course work.”

“What were you going to say earlier?”

“Huh?” I ask, lost in the need to get myself together.

“Is something else going on?”

Why is he pushing for information? He never does this shit. Usually he says all of two words.

Why is everything so weird lately? Like what the fuck? It almost feels like I’m in a parallel universe. Dealing with school is enough without adding in personal drama.

“When was the last time you went for a run?”

“What is with all of the questions?” I explode and shrink back against the booth, instantly feeling like a bitch. “Sorry. I don’t feel like myself at all lately. I never thought it would be this hard.”

“I don’t feel like myself either. I think we’re all trying to adjust.”
