Page 4 of Collide

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I’ve often wondered if Asher likes me back. If he sees me for me and not just his best friend’s sister. Does he feel the spark between us or is it just in my head? Have I held onto my crush for too long that I read way into everything now?

“Alright, sis. Your loss. Just remember. Youwereinvited.” He winks and gives me a thumbs up. I can’t help but laugh even when he’s being a teasing jerk.

One time. And I meanone time,I may have mentioned that I always like to be invited even if there’s a sure chance I’ll say no. He hasn’t let me live it down since.

Asher hasn’t said anything, his usual quiet self just standing there. If I didn’t know him well enough, I’d think he was pissed off all the time with his resting grumpy face. But then he gives me his adorable smile and I forget everything. No bad moods around here. “See ya, Mads.” He says as Mason and him start walking down the hall.

“We still on for our run in the morning?” I ask, confirming our usual run we take together a few times a week.

I’ve always loved to run. It’s a way to relieve my stress and clear my head, maybe think through problems or issues I might be facing. And Mason gets that. He runs more as company for me and to stay in shape for football. Which happens to be his outlet.

So he knows I like to run in silence, and I’ve often called him my silent partner.

“I’ll be there, Mads. Seven am sharp.”

“Okay. Don’t let me down.” It’s what I always say to him after confirming plans together. It’s a little weird habit we formed as kids and it always stuck.

And never once have we let each other down.

With one last wave goodbye, I head to the library for a fun filled evening of studying.

* * *

It’s after midnight when I sneak into my apartment. My roommate, Chloe, is softly snoring from her bed, the only light coming from her soft string lighting. Her white noise sound machine plays rain in the background.

I gently place my bag down, trying to be as quiet as possible, despite the white noise doing a good job at blocking out the sound. Chloe is a kind and considerate roommate, and I try my best to show the same back to her.

Lo and I hit it off when we shared a dorm room last year as freshman, so I was happy to find an apartment to share with her off campus. Much better than dorm living any day.

I fall back against my pillows, a quiet sigh escaping me. I’m disappointed in the amount of work I got done at the library.

My mind was on a constant loop about how I’m going to get everything done instead of focusing on my studying.

How in the hell am I going to do this?

The schedule change helps but everything still seems so impossible.

My eyes start to close with the thoughts of classes and books and failing grades when suddenly my phone buzzes from inside my jeans pocket. The vibration jolts me awake.

Who is texting me this late?

I dig my phone out and squint at the screen, light hurting my eyes.

Mason: come outside

Madison: r u serious? its late

Mason: ty for the time check but i didn’t ask. im waiting at ur door.

I click my phone off and slide out of bed. This better be good. If it’s Mason’s drunk ass playing games, I’ll hurt him.

Slipping on my shoes, I walk outside, the area busy with college students. We’re considered as off campus residents but we’re only two blocks away. Our neighborhood and the surrounding ones are full of college students who rent. .

I look around but don’t see Mason. If this was a prank and he got me out of bed for nothing, just wait. He’ll never hear the end of it.

I cross my arms and look around some more. Fuck this. I’m going back to bed.

Suddenly a hand grabs my arm from behind and I scream.

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