Page 6 of Collide

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“You still debating when you’re gonna take over the world?” Mason slides into the seat across from me.

“Yup. Getting closer.” I reply before taking another bite of salad. I’ve been waiting all day for lunch, my stomach empty since skipping breakfast.

I hate breakfast.

Is it weird I don’t like any breakfast foods?

Most people think it is. Eggs gross me out, I can’t stand sausage, and pancakes and muffins seem like dessert. The only thing good is bacon but I’d rather eat it on a hamburger.

Which I’ve been known to eat at ten in the morning.

“Maybe you can stop for a second so I can introduce you to someone?”

My eyes snap up to find a girl I haven’t seen before sitting next to him.

Mason often has girls hanging off him so I doubt this is anything different.

“This is my girlfriend, Sienna.”


Mason only used that name with one girl from high school, and it didn’t last long.

Well, shit, I take back my idea. I guess she is more.

“Hey. Asher.” I nod her way and she smiles and offers a wave.

“She’s a senior, but apparently likes em’ young.” Mason jokes and I hold back my eye roll.

Forever the flirt.

I couldn’t care less about girls right now. The less complications the better. A straight shot to graduation and a better life I create for myself is what I see. Maybe there’ll be time for love after graduation, but I’m not holding my breath.

Mason fills in the silence I create with conversation I never can think of. It’s why our friendship works so well.

Sienna laughs at every joke, blushes at every flirty move, and looks at Mason like he can walk on water.

Distractions and more distractions.


I freeze as soon as I hear her voice but quickly force myself to relax. The one distraction I don’t mind when I most definitely should.

Her sweet perfume fills my nose and I brace myself before I sneak a peek at her beautiful face.

It’s getting harder and harder to mask whatever the fuck I’m feeling for her. Every damn time she comes around, it only grows stronger.

I see her everyday.

Put two and two together.

I’m ready to fucking explode.

“Hey, Mads. Perfect timing. Meet my girlfriend, Sienna.”
