Page 28 of Forgive My Sin

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Between the three of us.

And I wonder how far any of us men will go with the other. And what she’ll think if we do.

Levan’s tie hangs around his neck as he slowly unbuttons his shirt, prowling towards Abilene like the hungry wolf he is, and she’s his prey. Caught in a trap she doesn’t even know exists. “Are you ready for us,chemo sikharulo? Ready to be claimed?” Levan growls in her ear, and I notice how her eyes widen and her pulse races. The heavy beating of her heart makes her tits shake behind the flimsy fabric of her dress.

“Yes?” She breathes on an exhale, but it comes out like a question, making each of us chuckle.

“You want to stop, say the word,” I reassure her, even knowing we might not be able to press pause. There’s a clamoring inside each of us to claim her, possess her in every way imaginable. A monster lurks beneath the surface, and he screams to take her now. To capture every fiber of her innocence and never let go.

“And you’ll stop?” I love that she doesn’t allow her curiosity to be curbed by her shyness.

“We’ll try,” Val answers for me. Already stripped down to his boxers, he cups her cheek in his hand, turning her head to face him. “You have to understand, we’re alpha to the core. Everything we say or do is calculated and executed exactly how and when we want.” His thumb brushes across her bottom lip. “But you are a wild card. Thrown in with the wolves, with no way to regain the freedom you once had the minute we enter your body.”

She takes a second to absorb his words before staring at him full bore. “I never had freedom, Valerian. I lived in a cage with predators that never left me alone.” Holding my breath, I wait for her to say the words. To burden us with her truths so we no longer need to hold back that we’re privy to all her secrets.

But she doesn’t elaborate.

Reaching forward, I grip the tab for the zipper at the side of her dress and painstakingly drag it down the side of her body. The teeth releasing echoes around the room, our breathing the only other sound. As it reaches the end, she cups the front to her chest before the material can fall and bare her body to us.

“I know you saw them already”—her head drops—“but I don’t want to talk about them.”Her scars.The ones that had our blood boiling after we pulled her from the tub. “One day, maybe I will.”

Gripping her wrists in my hands, I pull her arms away from her body and place them on me after allowing the sleeve to drop with the rest of the garment. “Undress me,” I instruct her, keeping my eyes on hers so she knows I’m all abouther.

For now.

Our patience won’t last forever, but until she tells us to stop or asks for more, I’m willing to be the one to go at her pace. Because I can tell that Levan and Valerian aren’t. They want to claim her in the worst possible way, as do I, but I’ve spent my life surviving off an infinite amount of patience. I can wait until she’s begging me to fuck her hard and nasty.

Abi’s fingers fumble as she undoes the buttons of my vest. I didn’t wear a shirt underneath it because while we were downstairs, I wanted to be her shadow, the one scaring others off from a look alone. My tattoos tend to do that. My reputation helps.

Clearing her throat, her gaze flicks up to mine, and I see a question in her eyes as Levan works on taking the pins from her hair from behind. “Ask,” I say.

“Uhm…uh, will it…uh, will it always be the four of us? At the same time?” Her body flames a ruddy rouge with the directness of her question.

“No.” Levan speaks up first. “Sometimes it’ll be one on one, others it’ll be two on you. It won’t always be the same, just depends on how each situation occurs. But when it comes time to get you pregnant, it will always be all of us until one of us succeeds.”

“Pregnant?” She gasps the word like the air has been sucked from her body.

“Many times over.” Val grins.

“You want babies? With me?” Her frown is filled with confusion.

“Why wouldn’t we?” I ask. “It would be the greatest gift you could ever give us.” Not necessarily right away, but since none of us plan on using protection with her, and I seriously doubt she’s on birth control, we’ll never know when it might happen.

As she moves to open her mouth and answer me, Levan directs her attention to him. “One insult aimed at yourself out of this pretty little cock tease of a mouth, and I’ll put you over my knee again, and it will be far less enjoyable than the last time.”

She swallows at his warning, obviously not in favor of being punished. “Yes, Daddy,” Val whispers in her ear, prompting her.

“Yes, Daddy Levan.” I swear my friend turns to stone at her words, and nothing anyone says will stop him from claiming her now.

Although she hasn’t finished undressing me, Levan picks her up and carries her to the bed as Val and I follow behind. I discard my clothes as I move.

* * *


My fingers twitch, my skin itches, and the only thing I want to do is lay Abilene flat on the bed while drawing lines with the sharp blade of my knife across her fair skin, inflaming the flesh with serpentine lines and crimson drops of blood as I barely breach the surface. I want to watch her squirm closer to the pleasure and away from the sting of the unnatural.

Levan thinks she’ll want it, too…eventually.
