Page 110 of Tainted Rose

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It was hard enough to love the same sex, but I bet he struggled with our growing attraction to Mako. Our feelings spilled into the knight bond every time she walked into the room, our bodies hummed with desire and minds craved her exotic voice.

It only made it that much harder for the fairy shifter. I merely picked on him to keep his mind from the self-doubting spiral he continued to descend into when Elias took over.

“Maybe the Princess can help him?”

I nodded, my fingers twirled the thin tip pen, anything to distract the itch to continue drawing.I hope so. Out of all of us, he needs closure and salvation from his past.

I wasn’t one to talk; my own nightmares continued to haunt me day by day. I was glad my hobby of drawing took so much time and concentration, not giving my mind enough time to dwell on the past.

To be gifted with two skills – the ability of teleportation and foresight, yet I couldn’t stop those haunting events that occurred on that cold, Lunar day. It didn’t matter what path I took or event I altered, death was imminent. Yet, my conscious wouldn’t let go.


I shook off the dread that clung to me, attempting to pull me down into the dark abyss within my darkened soul.I’m fine.

I was about to return to my drawing when the entrance lock clicked, opening to reveal an exhausted angel shifter. He closed the door, dropped his bag next to our row of shoes, adding his to the line, before making his way to the living room.

“You don’t need to train so hard, you know.” I pointed out, returning to my sketch.

I understood his new determination to get stronger – the guilt of what happened during the exams pushed him to maximize his skills and endurance, but if he wasn’t careful, he’d reach his own magic limit and that wouldn’t benefit any of us.

“I’ll take the next few days off, seeing as we’re going to be heading to Heila by next week, right?” he inquired, walking to the counter and filling the kettle with water. He pressed the button to begin the boiling process, reaching into the cupboard to retrieve a mug.

“Yes. Everything is set down in Heila. The day before, I’ll teleport Winterlya and Karen there, just in case anything occurs. No one knows the date in which we’re arriving, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. The element of surprise would benefit us in this case,” I explained; my hand withdrew from the picture before twirling the pen again.

The sketch was detailed enough for me to create a larger form of the image. I’d probably get a chance to start it when we returned to Heila, since most of my paints and equipment were located in my studio there.

“So, in less than a week we’ll be outta here, huh. Glad to be returning home.” He sighed as he pulled his glasses off, placing them on the counter.

“You should carry a case with you. If that pair goes missing you can’t blame anyone,” I suggested.

“Can’t blame anyone? We all know the primary culprit of my ten missing pairs. Do fairies like shiny glasses or something?” he quizzed, hinting his annoyance as the kettle began to whistle.

“Maybe. You just make it so easy, leaving them there. Also, Marcus said he talked to his friend. We can head to Earthala for three or four days. I think we should take up his offer. Mako and Midnight would be thrilled.”

I could already envision her excitement, her eyes glittering with happiness as she jumped in place; the image was so vivid I realized it was a vision rather than my imagination.I’d better draw that later.

“About Midnight...” Daniel began, but hesitated.

I looked up from my page, eyeing him intently as I waited for him to continue. He didn’t, but opened the green tea packet, and placed the bag in the mug, before he poured in the boiling water.

“Are you still troubled over her disliking you? You shouldn’t take it to heart,” I emphasized, not liking the vibe I was getting from him.

Ryder was already dealing with Anya’s death anniversary and probably faced his family as we speak. I was at least glad Makoto was with him to ease his mourning. She’d be able to lighten the mood in that dreadful castle.

“You worry too much.”

We both glanced over to a half-naked Marcus, who walked into the room wearing sapphire cotton boxers; his chest bare.

“Just cause Mako’s not here doesn’t mean you can walk around naked you know.” I shook my head, noticing his tired eyes.He probably hasn’t even realized.

“What?” he asked before looking down, frowning.

“Well, fuck. My bad, Ryuu didn’t tell me I wasn’t wearing pants. Thanks a lot, partner in crime.” He groaned, his face scrunched at whatever Ryuu’s response was.

“Anyways, stop trifling over such a matter. Midnight probably has her reasons as to why she doesn’t like Archangels like yourself or angels in general. Who knows? It’s not our place to ask until she’s ready. Just bear with her,” I summarized before another image slipped into my mind – Midnight’s angry, tear stricken face before she walked off.

I let out a groan, my hand rubbed my eyes.What the fuck?
