Page 111 of Tainted Rose

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Marcus was at my side in a second, his hand rested on my shoulder.

“Kai, you okay?” He questioned, his voice filled with concern.

“Ya...I’m fine. Daniel, don’t push her. I get you don’t like being disliked or looked down upon, but Midnight and Mako aren’t Claire,” I commanded, my hand markings dimmed as my foresight calmed.

I took a few more calming breaths; my body felt a tad weak before I recovered, keeping a mental note to sketch out the image later.

“I know she’s not or I guess they aren’t. But...never mind. I’m going to bed.” He grabbed his mug of tea and went straight to the stairs.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.Fuck, should have kept it to myself.

“Don’t worry about Daniel. He’ll hopefully listen. You know he hates when we bring up Claire.” Marcus patted my shoulder before taking his seat on his stool.

“The image I saw doesn’t give me much reassurance. It will probably change now that I told him, but it still bothers me. I just don’t want him going down the self-doubt train. You know how badly it affects Ryder with a slight imbalance, let alone him losing control. Ryder’s still recovering from Elias’ and Eli’s feeling overload, before all the planning he’s been doing for today.”

“I feel you. We can’t afford to have a slip up right now. I just want the remaining days to go smoothly, so we can go home.” Marcus ruffled his hair in frustration.

A beep sounded off before the door opened, Eli walked in; her eyes looked up to us before she gave a slight smile.

I frowned at her weak appearance. She looked like she’d been to war and returned from the raging battle.

“You look exhausted.” Marcus frowned.

“I’m fine. Karen had to do some tests and stuff. Nothing huge. There’s only a small detection of poison left, so I should be back to one-hundred percent when we reach Heila,” she explained, walking towards us.

I didn’t like her pale complexion, unnatural from her usual vibrant skin.

“Elyion,” I sternly called out. She smiled back at me which gave me red, flashing signals. She hated when I called her Elyion. She would rather punch me in the throat than smile at me.

“You’re going to bed,” Marcus declared. She shook her head.

“Um...I don’t want to be alone,” she whispered, avoiding our gaze and staring at the pair of glasses on the counter. She reached out and picked them up, analyzing the spectacles which we both knew was a distraction.

I looked at Marcus before nodding.

“I’ll stay with you until Marcus comes back from his run,” I mumbled.

She looked at me with wide eyes for a moment before nodding, a relief filled smile formed on her lips. “Thanks, Kai,” she whispered.

“Just because we don’t get along all the time doesn’t mean I don’t care, EliaseAnne,” I reminded her, using his female name to demonstrate my seriousness.

“I know,” she replied before putting the glasses on. She frowned, looking around the room.

“Where’s Daniel? It’s not fun to take his glasses unless he’s here.”

We both sighed, which was enough to keep the frown on Elyion’s lips.

“What happened? Is Daniel okay?” she pressed.

“He hasn’t lost control in the feels department. Ryder and Mako should be home before sundown. But...he’s comparing Midnight to the Claire situation,” I announced.

“What? How? has no relation at all. Didn’t you say he used his gift with Mako’s permission? What could possibly be bothering him now?”

“He’s afraid to hurt her, and Midnight’s apparent dislike isn’t making it easy for him to ignore such fears.”

Eli crossed her arms over her chest before glaring.

“Midnight has her own history and it’s none of Daniel’s concern nor is he in the position to ask. If she doesn’t like him there’s nothing he can do till she or Makoto tells us why. Even if she does disclose such information I don’t think it would help. Daniel needs to stop using other people as an excuse and face that haunting guilt,” Eli ranted.
