Page 112 of Tainted Rose

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Marcus and I nodded in agreement.

“We have to get Ryder to talk to him before he goes over the edge.”

“I wish he’d stop pushing us away and depend on us more.” Eli commented before sighing, wobbling on her feet.

We both rushed to her side, holding her steady.

“Sorry. As much as I’d love to continue this pressing matter I think I should lie down,” Eli apologized.

We nodded before Marcus helped her to her room, stopping midway to pick her up and carry her the rest of the way.

“The medical centre still has such a strong effect on her? Does she still get panic attacks?”My phoenix questioned.

I walked back to the counter, closing my sketchbook and putting it under my arm as I made my way to her room.Not yet, but I’m concerned. She needs a break from that place. I think it would help her get back to normal.

“She needs closure. King Heart’s investigating better provide some answers soon, or we’ll just have to take things into our own hands.”

I got a face cloth, soaked it in cold water and squeezed out the excess water before walking down the hall and up the stairs.

Marcus walked out of the room, his facial expression just as upset.

“She’s warming up. If it goes higher than her normal call Daniel. I’m still going with tomorrow’s plans so can you please keep an eye on her. Even if she shifts back to Elias, he may have a less intense response,” he warned.

“I know. I’ll keep an eye on both of them, and call for Daniel if anything,” I reassured him.

“I wish everything just levels out after today. Too much is going on,” he mumbled.

I patted his back.

“It will. I don’t see anything stopping us from reaching Heila. Things will work themselves out. Ryder will be back to himself when he returns later today and after your playdate tomorrow we’ll pack and head down to Earthala for the remaining days before we head to Heila. I think we all just need a break and it would be a perfect opportunity. Makoto would love it, too.” The image of her excitement returned to my mind; my fingers craved to draw it out.

“Ya. I just...I’ve been having a weird gut feeling. That’s why I’m a little concerned, but if you don’t foresee anything, I won’t worry myself. Thanks, Kai. I’ll make sure to check for those sketchbooks with the tracing paper,” he promised. He gave me a quick man hug and walked away.

I walked into Eli’s room, closing the door gently before turning to see her sleeping figure. I placed my sketchbook on the desk that was pressed against the wall in the corner, next to the two, large bookshelves filled with her manga collection.

I knelt down next to her bed, placing the cool cloth against her forehead. She moaned lightly, but relaxed, falling into deep slumber.

I got up to grab my sketchbook, ready to sit down.

“Papa...I’m sorry. I’ll try again...”

I closed my eyes, turning to face the fairy shifter, Eli’s mumbling continued.

“Sorry for failing...always…fail. Try again,” she mumbled before stirring.

I opened my eyes, grabbed my notebook and walked back to the bedside, sitting down before opening my book on a fresh page.

I allowed my hand to reach out and hold hers while my right hand began to sketch away.

Her tense body relaxed, my thumb soothingly rubbed her palm, her breathing calmed once more.

Just a few more days...everything will be back to normal and our Princess will be home.



“Ihate you, Mommy! I wish you’d disappear!”
