Page 138 of Tainted Rose

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I turned the corner, walking straight towards the black door with the gold plate –HEADMASTER’S OFFICE, written in bold, capital letters.

I turned the knob, not caring to knock as I pushed against the weak door a pair of wide, brown eyes greeted me.

“Ryder? Uh, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I’m with a knight right now, he told me about the exam.” The older, plump male started to fidget out of his seat.Another knight?

I looked to my left; Leo’s wide eyes stared at me. I noticed the tissue in his nose, a large bruise on the side of his face where Stryker punched him.

I returned my focus to the man in charge. I didn’t have time to waste.

“I guess he informed you that Professor Sepherant was on site, claiming to be a substitute for the exam professor, who I recently discovered was found unconscious in the auditorium with a large bruise on his face. I bet what Leo didn’t tell you is that Sepherant stabbed Makoto, leaving her helpless thanks to the bracelet you insisted she wear so Leonardo over here could prove his skills, which left her to die in a pool of her own blood. My team, Winterlya the princess of Wintalyn, as well as your step-daughter, are now scurrying around Heila trying to save her from death. What a wonderful way of delivering the lost Princess of Heila to the King and Queen. I can only imagine what they’ll do if their daughter, only daughter, doesn’t survive this ordeal. Even if she does, I’m curious to see what punishment the King will bestow upon you?” The mockery that leaked off my voice pleased my demon nature.

What pleased us more was the way the headmaster’s body quaked; his eyes grew so wide, I thought those brown irises would burst.

“What! I didn’t agree to this. I had no idea Professor Sepherant was here or even on campus. I made it very clear to everyone that he should not be on the campus that he was banned. I made an announcement to all the knights!” he defended.

“I guess Leonardo over here missed the memo.” I gave him a murderous glare, fighting the urge to burn him to flames. He flinched as he backed away against the wall.

“You inconsiderate f—” the headmaster began to yell, but I rose my hand, signaling him to stop.

“Leave your insults for when you’re not wasting my time. I only came to give you these.” I pulled out the eight sheets of paper I had rolled and tucked halfway into my back pocket. I flicked them onto the desk, the sheets of paper scattered across the black wood. I could see the horror in his eyes as he looked back up at me, realizing what I was about to declare.

“As of today, I, Ryder Carter, the son of Alexander and Violet Carter and future heir of Minato revoke our contract. As does the rest of my team of knights, Daniel Moore, Elias and EliaseAnne Kingsley and Marcus Hunt, as well as Matthew Oxwell and Karen Knightly, the first and second commanders of Heila. We will no longer be involved in Knightwood’s affairs. Rosalina Mackenzie Heart or as you know her as Makoto Heart’s enrollment is invalid. All funds deposited into your account will cease as of this moment; our withdrawal forms are now on your desk. Don’t worry. I made sure Elias and EliaseAnne wrote separate forms. It’s a pleasure, headmaster. Pray to the Starlight gods that the princess recovers from this...or my team and I will be back and trust me; it will take all of your knights and more to stop us.”

I turned around, giving one last lethal glare at Leo before walking away.

“Don’t forget the stools,” Stryker reminded.

I walked out of the teachers building; the cloudy sky covered the sun. I stared at the dark grey patches floating away, small flashes flickered from time to time.A storm is brewing.

I began to walk, making my way towards the forest.

No more games. It was time to prepare for the darkness.


I walked aimlessly in the rain, the frigid droplets beat against my body as I continued on, dragging my feet, one step after another.


Such a simple word, but it held a thousand questions – none of which would help solve my problem as I continued to walk in the storm raging around me.

Why couldn’t I be happy?

Why was I always a failure?

Why was I a dormant shifter?

Why did I lose everything I loved?

Why was I born into such a world?

Why did the gods always forsake me?

Why did they allow my mom to be stoned to death?

Why was I alone...

Werethe tears I shed every night in the comfort of my single room, my bed and a pillow hard as rocks, not enough? Were my failures and multiple attempts to please others, by slaving around the school, not a demonstration of my wish for acceptance?
