Page 139 of Tainted Rose

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For just once, I wanted to be praised. My ears craved for words of acknowledgment as my mind begged to feel what success was.

My hands wished to feel what power was like; my tongue longed for a taste of such satisfaction as I stood proudly and announced my position of high rank – people falling to their knees in awe and admiration.

Was my desire too weak to be felt by the gods above? Their bright, twinkling stars shone in the dark sky, mocking me each night as I begged for their salvation.

“Am I not worthy?”

I stopped in my tracks, the tears that threatened to spill gave in, the salt like water trailed down my flushed cheeks as I looked towards the sky.

I let out a loud cry, sobs wracked my body as I cried in place.

“Why have you forsaken me! You give everyone around me such blessings and hope, yet you belittle me and laugh. Was my rural upbringing not enough to give me a sense of joy? Is my dormant spirit to blame for such negligence? I am a child of yours, too! A being, created by your hands! Yet you leave me here to rot in suffering and agony. How long do I have to pray till you listen to me? Till my prayers are finally answered? Till I die and ascend to meet you face to face!” I roared.

I fell to my knees, pounding on the ground as if it was my enemy.

“I hate the gods...I despise you. If only I could make you pay. Yes, make you feel this agonizing pain I go through every day and night. I’d give the same amount of suffering I’ve bared my entire life. No. I’ll give you double, no, triple of my sorrow. You will regret not helping me,” I declared through clenched teeth, my eyes wide. I looked at my bloody hands; the pain gave me satisfaction.

“Would you like my assistance?”

I gazed up at the man in the white suit standing before me. His large, red umbrella leaned forward, shielding me from the cold rain that continued to beat harshly around us.

I saw his red eyes twinkle as his lips curled into a devilish smile. “You…you’re the man from before,” I stated, shivering at the memory.

“Yes. I’m sorry I had to contribute to such suffering. At the time, my resolve was as strong as yours. I needed to get rid of my targets and you had the information I needed. No hard feelings.” He reached out to me, his open hand stopped in front of me.

I took a moment to question his motives, but I brushed off such a mentality. I wasn’t a knight anymore. The decisions I made were mine alone. Whoever got affected by them wasn’t my business or concern. I was alone in this world, with no strings attaching me to such morals.

I placed my hand in his, that strong hand helped me up onto unsteady feet.

“I can see the determination in your eyes shifter. What is your name?” he questioned.

“Leo...Leonardo,” I whispered, not having the strength to admit that wretched surname that has brought nothing but misery.

Till this day, my mom being falsely accused of trying to poison the king hung over my family name. I knew she hadn’t done it, that she’d never commit such a criminal act, yet they ignored her pleas as she begged. I had to avenge her and that started with the source: those Starlight gods.

“What conquest vexes you to the point of defying the gods?” he questioned.

“Defying the gods? They called themselves gods, yet they can’t rewrite my destiny? They’ve made my life a living hell. They watched as my only family, my beloved mother, was stoned to death. She was innocent, yet they allowed her to perish,” I exclaimed, the tears rolled down my cheeks as I continued.

“The same gods have watched me trip and fall again and again as I strive to be someone respected. This cruel world has done nothing for me. Why continue to praise such beings when they are nothing but a lie. I’m tired of worshipping them. Instead, I’ll teach them what power is. I’ll make them suffer and feel the pain that bickers and claws at my soul,” I confidently vowed as I stared up at the man.

He nodded, looking pleased with my statement. “I will help you then, shifter. I see your potential; your conviction as strong as my objective. I too hate the gods with as much passion as yours and desire to see them fall from their heavenly thrones. It won’t be easy. I can’t guarantee that you’ll survive my trials and experiments, but I promise you power and strength. Shifters, young and old will bow down and kiss your feet in adoration as you sit on your throne of power. I will take you as my own. You are now my son, Leonardo.”

He gave me the most serene smile, kindness fluttered in those vibrant, red eyes as he patted me on the shoulder. A stranger, who knew nothing about me but my new-found purpose, was willing to help me succeed and walk this path of righteousness. I’d devote myself to him and would survive whatever was given to me. I wouldn’t fail. I couldn’t afford such defeat. I’d survive this. I would get my revenge.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Please. Call me Father.”

I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes with my arm as I stood, no longer fearful. “Father. I won’t let you down.” I vowed.

“I know you won’t son. Come, let us be off. We have lots to do,” he encouraged as he pressed against my back, urging me to walk with him.

I obeyed, not doubting his words.

Revenge. Yes, I’ll show the gods who I am. I’ll let them know what a dormant shifter is capable of. I will get my payback on all of those who have forsaken me. Even on Ryder and his friends. I’ll have them kneel and beg me to spare them, counting down while I listen to their pleas. I won’t show them pity. I’ll rid them of their light – anyone that opposes my conquest will be rid of their light.

I smiled wickedly as I said my last prayer, hoping the gods would listen to my words.
