Page 31 of Tainted Rose

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“You need to work on your social skills, Midnight. Mako’s progressed a bit. She still can’t differentiate between her thoughts and speech, but I guess progress is progress, no matter how small,”Rose encouraged.

I frowned, twiddling my fingers as I attempted to think of something to talk about.

“You don’t need to be so nervous Midnight. Just act normal,” Eli pointed out, staying in place.

“I don’t know how,” I admitted, lifting my eyes to stare at her as I continued to frown. Besides from Mako and our spirits, I had no one else to talk to after all these cycles. I had probably said five words within a cycle to the Owner; his focus more on my performance than striking a conversation.

“Well, is there anything you’re curious about?” Eli asked.

I took a moment to ponder on her question; my eyes lowered on the specific spot on her chest – the spot where the lightning spear struck them.

There were many things I was curious about, but the picture of Elias lying beneath me with a hole in his chest was all I could seem to focus on. I could still picture his body beneath me as he bled across the dark grey dirt; my hands drenched in his blood.

“Sorry.” I apologized, feeling sad.

I grasped my left hand, attempting to hide the tremble that began to surface.

Mako had left a bunch of notes with Ryder, informing him to share them with me if I happened to appear, which occurred the following night during dinner.

Mako had explained in her notes that Elias and Eli were the same person, Elias being the host and Eli being his fairy spirit. Now, she was unsure how to face them.

“Midnight, don’t apologize. It’s thanks to you we didn’t die. I should be thanking you for saving Elias. Thank you,” she acknowledged, bowing down to the ground.

My face grew hot; my cheeks red with embarrassment. No one outside of Mako had ever praised or thanked me for doing something positive. To be experiencing such act of appreciation only made me feel awkward.

“’re welcome? Is that how you say it?” I questioned, trying to remember the lessons Rose had taught me back when I was learning how to speak just in case such an opportunity emerged.

“Yes, that’s correct,” Eli approved, sitting up before standing.

I looked up at her tall figure, allowing my eyes to roam her body from head to toe.

Eli had an attractive body to match her beautiful facial features; her height only complimented her exquisite curves. From the way the wind carried her long, blonde curls to the sun’s rays that splashed against her delicate skin, made her look dazzling before me.

I felt my heart rate accelerate as I continued to stare at her, unable to determine why I suddenly felt attracted to her.

Aren’t we supposed to not like girls?

“Those are shifter and human morals for you. Spirits, on the other hand, don’t concern themselves with such fine details,”Lexi clarified, sounding unconcerned.

“It doesn’t say anywhere in the Starlight law that shifters had to mate with the opposite sex,”Lily pointed out.

“Love is love,”Hope approved, sounding pleased with her declaration.

I looked within myself, the feelings of attraction still strong and present. Did Makoto feel attracted to EliaseAnne and was just ignoring it? If she did like Eli, was she purposely not telling her because of her morals or did she not know?

But I’m not a spirit…I’m just the other half of Mako. Where does that leave me? Do I have to follow morals?

“What are you talking about? What are you asking about that regards morals?” Eli questioned.

I grimaced, realizing I’d exposed some of my thoughts to the topic of interest. I sighed, rising to my feet to face the overly attractive, tingle inducing, fairy shifter.

I’ll just inquire.

“Is it incorrect to love the same sex?” I inquired.

My voice held no emotion as I sought for an answer that would be enough for my frantic beating heart.

It had been cycles since I felt such emotions – the mere possibility of feeling any compassion or attractiveness being sealed within myself for multiple reasons.
