Page 62 of Tainted Rose

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I felt another hand brush against my forehead, my eyes opening to see Kai.

“Rest up Princess and thank you,” he whispered, the sincerity in his voice relaxing my mind before it drifted far away.

Five more to go.




Itwirled the mechanical pencil between my fingers, allowing my right leg to slide to the floor before I repositioned myself. I lifted my left leg to rest on my right, placing the sketch book to rest on my human made desk.

I stared at the sketch, the unfinished drawing of the beautiful woman sleeping before me. I turned my attention to the spinning pencil, stopping it with the pinch of my fingers.

I frowned and realized that no matter how much detail I input into this sheet of paper, it would never be able to portray how magnificently beautiful Makoto was.

I never knew anyone who could be able to look so peaceful and serene while sleeping. I glanced at the time; twenty minutes had flown by without any of us realizing it.

I’d heard so much about the sleep walking, milk addicted female. Ryder had the strongest connection through our knight bond and always kept me posted on their development with our Princess and how she coped.

Now that I’d met her face to face and watched her sleeping, peaceful figure, I now understood why the others fell in love with her as quickly as they did. She was a breath of fresh air – her vibrant personality matched her beauty, and her brain was a rarity among female shifters.

I’d had my share of encounters with females – both human and shifter alike. None of them compared to Makoto. She’d surpassed my expectations and made me wonder if I’d be privileged to be more than her star knight like the others.

I wanted so badly to introduce myself sooner – to make her aware of my presence instead of hiding in the shadows and only appearing when she was in deep sleep. But, I didn’t want to overwhelm her; wanted her to recover and be in a familiar, calming environment before I showed myself.

I never expected her walking into me would have led to me officially receiving her anointing as her star knight.

I lifted my left hand up, taking another moment to admire the new marking on the back of my hand. The design alone was magnificent – the swirls and variation of thick and thin lines aiming for the centre in an Ombre transition of orange to red. The two-toned colour represented myself and my phoenix well, making us overjoyed with happiness and excitement to be accepted.

Makoto rested on the three-seater sofa, Ryder sat on the floor next to the sofa as he read a book. It was nice to see him be able to show such compassion to his long, lost crush.

Being able to see his relationship with Mako made me happy. Ryder always attempted to keep his image and not show an ounce of emotion. Now he openly kissed the woman he loved without a care in the galaxy.

It was like reading a book – watching two shifters who loved one another dearly, but unable to reach each other; finally overcome the barriers and being reunited.

I could feel our shared happiness through our knight bond, myself and the others glad to see Ryder back to his normal self. I knew it wouldn’t be long till he’d be super busy, always scurrying around the realm to help with the preparations in mourning his deceased sister, Anya.

I bet more than one of us was grateful about the King’s absence. All he did was add pressure on Ryder, either trying to force him into some type of arranged marriage for his personal benefit or simply taunting him.

Since Anya’s kidnapping and death, all the burden and responsibilities had been placed on Ryder, the future heir of Minato. We all witnessed his ongoing struggle, the mask he placed on when he left our safe home; he focused on maintaining his image as a leader who was respected by many. He could never show signs of weakness or it was considered the demonstration of a weak King, as his father would imply.

I just hoped he didn’t return till the day of Anya’s celebration of life. Once that happened, maybe Mako would be fit enough to go to Heila. I’d love for us to avoid any drama with his family; though, I knew Mako would love Ryder’s mother, the Queen. She’d love Mako’s feistiness. I personally thought she’d enjoy her inner-outer monologues.

Daniel slept at the kitchen island; Marcus walked by as he placed a woolen blanket over him. He was in workout gear which indicated he was going to go for a run.

Elias sat next to me; his eyes closed as he relaxed, his calm facial features alternated from time to time. He most likely was talking to Elyion.

I made a mental note to annoy Eli by using her given name. She absolutely hated it. I didn’t even understand why I kept calling her that, doing the evil deed since we were gathered together that faithful day, but the habit continued till now.

I enjoyed seeing her get flustered before trying to break the closest piece of furniture around her. I lost count of how many glasses she’d shattered. I sometimes wondered who had it worse when it comes to anger management – Elias or Elyion.

I didn’t blame them for their short temper. Anyone who had dealt with a past like theirs would NOT be as forgiving and kind-hearted as they were. I don’t think any of us would have turned out like they did.

“Shouldn’t we wake Makoto up?” I suggested. Ryder looked up from his book, before shifting to face Makoto.

“Mako?” He reached out and gently nudged her.
