Page 63 of Tainted Rose

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She didn’t even stir, her breathing stayed at its normal, slow pace as she continued to sleep peacefully.

“The knight bond exhausted her,” Marcus noted, walking up to our sleeping beauty; his fingertips moved the strand of hair that was misplaced and hung in her face.

“She’s not the only one who’s exhausted,” Elias noted, not even opening his eyes. We knew he was referring to Daniel who was knocked out at the island.

Poor guy trained a lot lately, sneaking off in the middle of the night to the training centre at Knightwood to practice.

I doubt the others had noticed the difference, assuming he was sleeping as usual. I commended him for his hard work. I knew he was doing all this training on Mako’s behalf. After what happened in Latelia, I knew he wanted to be stronger for whatever was coming our way.

Both myself and Daniel could predict the future; a gift known as foresight, but it had its limitations. Daniel could see only glimpses of events that were moments from happening; triggered by the mentioning of a word or by touch of objects.

I, on the other hand, had a stronger foresight calibre – the ability to predict the future a few days or weeks ahead. It was usually triggered through the mentioning of an individual or event. The memory of the vision lingered for a day or two and faded completely if I didn’t draw it out.

The strongest level was touch, which left the individual in a trance-like state till the vision was complete and faded within minutes, but it provided the most detailed imagery of the future. I was personally glad I was middle ground. I couldn’t imagine living a life with such a strong, sensitive gift.

“She fainted the first time, right?” I questioned.

“Yeah. But, it was kind of our fault for shocking her. We kinda bombarded her with a lot of info, told her she was a Princess of an entirely different realm and stated the oath,” Elias replied, rising to his feet before stretching. He looked tired.

“We have to wake her up though, before Karen gets here.”

They all froze; their eyes landed on me.

“How long?” Ryder asked, unease dripping off his voice.

“Please tell me I have enough time to hop over the wall?” Elias inquired, a shiver clearly ran through him as he fidgeted in place.

“Do I have to fly off the balcony like last time?” Marcus questioned; his body rotated to the hall in case he needed to sprint.

I grunted, placed the sketch book and pencil on the arm rest before rising to my feet. I took a moment to close my eyes, feeling the warmth of power trickled to my fingers; my markings probably glowed from the initiation of power.

“Two hours, twenty-five minutes and that all depends if Matthew goes to see her, which is a ninety percent possibility. They’re gonna go out for lunch before heading back here after,” I announced before opening my eyes, my power dissipated.

They all sighed with relief.

“Can’t we let her sleep a bit longer? I doubt she’s strong enough to even sleep walk right now, let alone attempt to pick up a fork and aim for her mouth. You know how incoherent she is when she’s half asleep.” Marcus glanced at Makoto again who hadn’t budged.

“You have a point,” Elias agreed.

“I’ll wake her up in an hour and a half. By then you’ll probably be done with your running session Marcus, and Elyion will probably be back here,” I explained.

Marcus and Elias glanced at each other before they both looked my way in confusion.

“You didn’t use your gift this time?” Ryder acknowledged; his eyes on his book as he turned the page. He knew I barely needed any energy to see such predictable events.

“Don’t have to. I know you two don’t want to cross paths with Karen. Anything to avoid being lectured for three hours.” I shrugged, revealing my prediction.

“You’ve never gotten lectured by her!” Marcus complained; his body shivered as he rubbed at his arms.

“He doesn’t understand our pain and suffering. He knows exactly when she’s coming so he just bails. I bet you teleport the moment you sense her,” Elias accused.

I smirked before I shrugged again. “Not my fault you can’t teleport. Let Elyion bail you out,” I encouraged.

“You know we can’t switch without a spare set of clothes,” he argued, grunting.

I could see the flicker of green in his eyes, glowing on and off. I bet Eli was furious.

“Then carry a bag with clothes in it. Elyion practically lives in shorts and pretty tank tops. That isn’t heavy to carry about.” I presented the idea, knowing Elyion hated carrying around anything bigger than a miniature sized purse; the small piece of leather not even big enough to fit Mako’s familiar, Nightmare, who was fucking small.
