Page 89 of Tainted Rose

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Her hand moved forward, stopping for a moment before it reached out and touched my cheek. I didn’t dare move, my breath hitched as I stared at her wide-eyes. Her hand felt cool, compared to Mako’s usual warmth.

Her blank expression slowly morphed into a smug smile.

“Did you think I’d forget about my EliBear? You owe me a date, remember.” Her previous monotonous tone was filled with humor as she mocked me.

I stood there unable to process what she’d just said.She remembers me.

“Are you going to keep gawking at her or be a man and give her a hug before she thinks you’re angry at her?” Elias announced, sounding utterly bored. You’re a real pain in the ass you know that?

“Fucking hug her EliaseAnne or I’ll force you out and do it my damn self.”I mentally groaned, but stepped forward, closing the space between us as I hugged her. She stood still in my embrace; her body went rigid for what seemed like minutes before she relaxed; her arms wrapped around me.

“EliBear...I’m a spirit now. I can visit you now and the others, too. I don’t need to be cold anymore,” she admitted, her voice trembled.

I tightened my embrace around her as she began to sob into my shoulder. I rubbed my hand against her hair. “I know Midnight. I’m glad you’re finally free. Welcome to the world,” I soothed.

The barrier around us shattered, the white particles rained down on us. I glanced at the boys, expecting various stunned expressions, but was rewarded with smiles and relief.

Winterlya approached us, the white owl landed on her extended hand.

“Hoot Hoot.” It flapped its wings before settling down.


We both jumped at the loud cry coming from our feet. Midnight smiled, before cautiously kneeling down to stare at Nightmare up close. Now that she was in spirit form, I was curious to see her reaction to Nightmare and now, Winterlya’s familiar. She glanced at Nighty before looking at the owl familiar, her head going back and forth between them.

“Starlight gods? Pretty lights.” She whispered before glancing up at me. I knelt down to be at her eye level, nodding lightly.

“Yes. Don’t tell the others though. Only I and Winterlya know. Can you keep a secret?” I whispered back.

“Ya. Mako knows too, right? She won’t tell.” She replied.

“Is Mako okay?” I was glad Midnight had awakened into her spirit form, but I was concerned about Mako.

I knew awakenings drained their host significantly and now that Midnight was her fifth spirit, I worried she’d fall into a coma again. Midnight reached out and grabbed my hand, taking a moment to inspect it as she rubbed her thumb against my palm.

“So warm...” she whispered.

I tried not to laugh.

Jeez, still distracted like Mako.

“Midnight? Mako—” I began, but she looked up at me.

“Oh, right. Mako fine. Sleeping, but okay,” she acknowledged before yawning, using her other hand to rub her eyes.

“Sleepy, too. Can I sleep now? Wait...I won’t go back to the dark place, right?” she questioned, her voice hinted her fear.Dark place?

Winterlya took the opportunity to kneel down on her other side. She placed her unoccupied hand on her shoulder.

“Nope. No more dark place. Makoto accepted you and now you have a section in her mind as well. You’ll simply be asleep,” she revealed with a soft smile.

She smiled back and rubbed away another set of tears that began to trail down her cheeks.

“Happy,” she whispered; her eyes went back to stare at the owl before returning to Nighty.

“Nightmare. Cuddle buddy.” She opened her arms for the foxshier, who jumped in them. She tightened her hold on her before closing her eyes.

“Ah, wait Midnight you can’t sleep...” I trailed off as her breathing slowed, falling asleep in three seconds. Winterlya chuckled.
