Page 56 of Undeniable

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I hug Boris even tighter.

What if Damon is dead? What if those bats ate him? Why else would they take people from the camp?

The ground beneath me begins to tremble and I know I’m the cause of the tremor. I have to get my emotions under control before I tear this mountain apart just like I did those boulders.

“Ivy.” I peer over Boris’s shoulder to see Jack standing a few feet away. “I think it’s time Boris knows the whole truth.”

“But I thought you said—”

“He should know who I am to you,” Jack clarifies. “He should know everything about my mother and how you were able to access her memories with the circlet.”

“What’s he talking about?” Boris asks, turning to the side so he can look between me and Jack. “How are you anything to Ivy? She just met you.”

“True, but,” Jack fixes me with his eyes, “I’m her father.”

Boris instantly appears confused. He begins to shake his head.

“How can that be?” he returns his gaze to me. “Is he telling the truth or just blowing smoke up my ass?”

“It’s true.” I’ve never hated saying two little words so much.

Boris sharply turns his eyes on Jack. “Then who is her mother?”

“I would rather talk about this in private.” Jack gestures with his hand up the mountain trail. “Shall we?”

“Boris,” Margaret says, joining us, “is everything all right here?”

“You should join us,” I say.

Margaret nods. I’m sure if these were regular circumstances, she would be asking a million questions, but Damon’s mother is smart enough to sense when to stay quiet and listen.

Once we’re out of earshot of the others, Jack and I fully explain our connection to one another and where my powers come from.

“So this Emily from the circlet is your grandmother?” Margaret asks.

“Yes. She’s also the one I was just talking to. She said I would be the only one who could see her.”

“To be honest,” Boris says, “I was distracted by the exploding rocks. I didn’t notice you talking to thin air.”

“What did my mother say about your powers?” Jack asks.

I denote a tinge of jealousy in his question but mostly he appears curious to hear the answer.

“She said they were geomancer powers.” I look at him meaningfully.

According to Jack, I’ll be breaking the rules of the trials if I tell anyone we’re actually in a miniature version of Earth and not exactly on the real Earth. Emily told me that geomancers make worlds like this, so telling Boris and Margaret what little I know would be a breach in the rules. I’ll leave it up to Jack to say what can be revealed about my magic.

“Geomancers are a type of fae who can form the world around their needs,” Jack says. “In time and with the right training, Ivy will be able to move rivers and even mountains if she wishes. It all depends on how much magic she has and if she can learn how to control them.”

“Move mountains?” Boris appears lost and slightly scared of such power.

“Well, I think that’s incredible,” Margaret says. “You will certainly make a formidable queen.”

“I don’t understand,” Boris scratches his head. “If Ivy is so powerful, why wouldn’t your mother come here to get her? Why make us search her out?”

Uh oh.

I knew Boris was too smart not to see at least one loophole in our story. Let’s see how Jack talks his way out of this one.
