Page 34 of Lex

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He leans into me, his cheeks slightly flushed. Why is he so upset about this? I cannot even begin to understand this man.

“William, oh, William, if you want to play hardball with me then no more sexy times until you give me what I want.”

God, that’s so unfair. Just when I found my sexual desire, he rips it away.

“Why does it matter so much to you?” I ask.

“Because, William, when you’re around I’m nothing to her,” he mutters, eyeing the floor.

My chest constricts at his words. Is that why he’s being so weird about all this? He thinks I’ve replaced him. God, is he lonely? Does he have no one in his life? For fuck’s sake, now I just want to hold him.

“She adores you,” I say and Lex’s bottom lip trembles slightly.

“Yes, well who doesn’t?”

But I can feel it, that small bit of insecurity, and I hate it, hate that look on his face. He should be nothing but fucking confident.

“Lexington,” I say softly, pulling his gaze back to me. “I am not going to give up time with my grandma. But you can see her whenever you want. I won’t stop you.”

He may still want something from her, fromme, but I’m almost positive now it’s not her money. I’m not going to fight him on it anymore.

“You’re forcing my hand by not giving me what I want with Brenda,” Lex says.

Okay, now he’s just being intentionally stubborn, like a kid having a tantrum. But somehow, it’s less annoying when he does it.

But standing my ground is just going to force us to be separated.

I’m literally nauseous about it.

I’ve only known him for a few days but I’ve already got it bad, and he knows it. He’s using it as a bargaining chip.

“We’ll see how fair your penis thinks it is at the end of all this.” He runs a hand along my half-hard cock just to be mean. “It’s going to be sad, William. Very, very sad.”

I gasp when he pinches the tip, but I don’t get to experience the sensation for too long because suddenly the front door is thrown open and two guys step through.

I scramble behind Lex and peek over his shoulder, my hands on his waist.

Shit. I’m naked in the middle of his apartment and Lex is wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie. It doesn’t seem to bother him though. Nope, he seems totally relaxed being scantily clad in front of these two people.

Who are they?

“Oh, hi there, Eminem,” Lex says coolly.

“Oh shit, baby Jesus. August, don’t look,” the brown-haired man with tattoos squeals, slapping a hand over the other handsome man’s eyes.

“Oh, he can look. Can’t you, August? I know you want to,” Lex drawls.

Eminem narrows his eyes at Lex, his tattooed hand still over the other man’s eyes. “Do not tempt him. He’s mine. And we both know you have more muscles than me. I don’t have that many.” He glances down at his stomach. “Shit, should I get on that? Do you like how I am, August? Because you’ve never complained—”

“Em, you’re perfect just the way you are,” the other man says, his words soft and gentle.

Oh, the way he speaks to him…makes my heart flutter in my chest. No one has ever spoken to me like that. I don’t think I’d mind it, actually.

“And besides, seeing Lex naked is something I’d rather not see,” August says, his eyes still closed.

“Rude,” Lex mutters. “I’m a work of art.”

Yes, yes, he is.
