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“Her bastard husband is sitting right hear and can hear you, Vincent.” Reaching over, I hang up her phone and shoot my perfected stink-eye at my wife. “Why do you insist on dealing with thisgoombah?”

“It’s efficient.” The mother of my child shrugs, causing my fists to clench and my ears to start ringing.

“Sam, he’s a mob boss.” Good mood ruined, I roll my eyes, and wonder how in God’s name to rein in my unbridled filly.

Before I can say whoa-now, her lips cover mine in such a heated kiss, my blood runs south of my navel and my cock crams against my fly.

After we come up for air, the little minx smiles. “Let’s not argue. Vincent will insist Larry talk to us and that’s all that matters.”

Sam thinks she’s won this here argument, but she is dead wrong. “If we want another baby, we got to have a few rules. Not bein’ indebted to a gangster is number one on my long-term goals.”

Something I said must’ve hit a nerve because her cheeks redden, and she remains unusually quiet during the drive to Larry’s.As she sends a text, I park behind his yellow truck. Soon, a six-foot-two skinhead exits his ten-story apartment complex. When I spot the prison tats on his knuckles, I hiss, and turn the key.

The SUV’s not even in drive before Sam jumps out, approaches the felon, and waves. “Thanks for seeing me.”

Leaning against the wall on the top step, he crosses his arms and lowers his lids half-way. “Make it quick, I’m a busy man.”

“You drop deez trees off for Howie?” While my wife climbs the stairs and shoves her phone under his broken nose, I grab my gun and follow.

Eyes on me, he reaches behind his back, no doubt for a weapon tucked in his waistband. “Yeah. Cash. One-time transaction. No biggie. What’s it to ya?”

In a scary resemblance to her Uncle Vinny, Sam’s eyes narrow and her accent thickens. “So, you seen him recently or wot?”

“No, but got no reason to, either. Like I said, it was a onetime deal.” Glancing at me, then up and down the street, the guy shuffles his feet, and picks his nose.

As Sam gathers her thoughts, I barge into the silence. “Where were the trees stored?”

He types into her phone, hands it back, then waits for her to nod before asking, “We good?”

“Yeah, T’anks.” Because she turns, she can’t see the worry etched on his face, but I do and can’t help but wonder why.

“You be sure and tell Vinny I helped you out.”At the threatening tone, my crazy spouse flips four insulting fingers under her chin.


“Bitch.” He spits on the ground, curses under his breath, and as he disappears inside the building, I let go of my weapon.

With fists clenched, I walk her back to the SUV, open the passenger side door, and as I slam it shut, she smiles up at me.

“We’ve got just enough time to check out the address before we need to pick up Mikey.” She has no clue the guy had come close to shooting her.

My spidey senses tingle like mad. “Phone your dad for backup or I’ll call Slate. Hell, you can even ask one of your uncle’s goons to meet us there. We’re not goin’ in alone.”

“Maybe I’m old enough to remember someone saying we should ask my uncle for less favors, yes?” Her brows lift and as she tries to read my face, I reach for my phone.

“You’re right. I’ll ringPatten right now.”

Her hands cover mine. “Is this because of your PTSD? We’re simply searching for a lowlife who stole some trees. Seriously, this is not dangerous, Suds.”

“Sweetheart, fuck the decor. We can buy another damn shrubbery, It’s not worth the risk.”Iknow I’m not making any sense but sometimes, a man has got to put his foot down.

“Fine, you tell Mikey how Santa can’t afford Roger Robot.” The way she juts out her chin means no sex tonight if I don’t agree.

“Ah, hell.” Maybe she’s right and Iamoverreacting.

However, my unease increases as I park on the vacant street. The hi-tech surveillance on the nearby warehouse makes it worse.

“Who owns this building?” Heart pounding, I lift out of my seat and tug the door handle, while Sam shrugs.
