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When finished, I walk down the hall, and pull on the trapdoor rope. “Want to say goodbye?”

Samantha shakes her head. “Wheels and Hands finished their missions, so Rose and Mia have already moved back home.”

On the bottom floor, I stop and stare at her male cousin’s closed door.

“Going to miss Joey’s crude remarks?” In a way, she’s spot on. He’s become more like an annoying kid brother than an employee.

“Weirdly enough, he’s started to grow on me.”

“Like a fungus?” My lovely spouse grins, grabs my hand, and races me to the SUV.

Soon, we’re home, sweet-smelling home. We shut the windows, turn on the heat, and inhale the pine scent of our finger-free tree. Fully decorated, it’s covered in bulbs and colorful LEDS, the setup a gift from my in-laws.

“Hmm. I still think we should’ve bought a real one.” Done unpacking groceries, my lover plops down on the couch beside me, and stares at the twinkling lights.

“We have exactly fifty-eight minutes to spare, untilwe need to pick up Mikey.” When I scoot closer to my wife, I kiss her with all the love I have, but as we’re about to move to the bedroom, the outside motion detector goes off.

My voice plays through the loudspeaker. “Y’all best skedaddle, before I come out there.”

My partner’s eyes widen. “Did you rig thisup again recently?”

“A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Now, c’mere afore we run out of time, babe.”

Chapter 25


Standing at the school cafeteria door, I barely recognize the playground, full of booths and carnival rides. Behind me, volunteers pour juice, milk, and coffee while people sit. Soon, their plates will be filled with stacks of pancakes and sausages.

So far, everything, including the spring-like weather, is perfect. So why did I break out in hives?

“Sugar, calm down.” Suds places a long string of raffle tickets in my hands. “Now, tell me. How does this work?”

Demonstrating, I share the ancient tribal wisdom. “Fold each one and tear it apart. You keep the piece with the number, then write your name and phone on the other half. After you’re done, go around and drop your tabs in the plastic tubs of the items you want to win.”

“And what does this have to do with Asian Americans?” Brows furrowed, he hands some tickets to Mikey who wants to play, too.

“Nothing whatsoever. Originally, the raffles were called penny auctions. However, because day laborers often received such a meager salary, the populace wrongfully equated Chinese with cheap, leading to the misnomer, ChineseAuction. The stubs were also much like the laundry vouchers of the day.” I point out a poster board where we explain the history of the prejudicial label and ask people to avoid its use.

“Well done. Now, where are them buckets?” My husband moves aside a lock of hair, tucks it behind my earlobe, and as he kisses my cheek, electricity runs down my spine.

Standing on my tip-toes, I nibble his ear, blow into it, and whisper, “As soon as this thing is over, we are finding a bedroom.”

Panties now damp, I take his hand and stroll my family through aisles of donated fruit baskets, Italian pastries, toys, and other stuff piled halfway to the ceiling. Passing a crowd of Marion’s salon ladies, we wave. Busy arguing about the authenticity of a red, white, and blue ironing board, they don’t see us.

With them behind us, I find a stuffed bear, and lay claim to my intended prize. Suds puts all his chances on a naughty nightie.

When I open my mouth to strongly object, he places a finger over my lips. “What? We’re both bidding on a teddy, aren’t we?”

I groan. “You do realize nuns hand out the prizes? Should you be successful, you will be picking up your prize at the school, not me.”

Picturing the scene, my face heats. “According to my ninety-year-oldteacher, Sister Eunice, sex is for procreation and not to be enjoyed.”

“I’m guessing you failed theclass.” Suds snickers and I punch his shoulder.

“I was thirteen.” My face brightens even more as people turn their heads at his hearty laugh.

Our tickets spent, we leave the area and stroll to the gymnasium bleachers to attend the Kung Fu competition. On the floor beside my knees, a sober-faced Mikey shoots out an impressive side-kick, and I make a mental note to enroll him in classes.
