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Pup whines, so I let him out and hold his collar. “That poor girl you sent opened up my stitches. She would’ve maced me, too, if I hadn’t stopped her.”

“You probably scared the living daylights out of her. Poor little lamb.”

Are you shitting me? Little lamb?

I stay cool because she reminds me of my grandmother or maybe because she’s a friend of my boss’s wife. Perhaps, it’s because I have the dog by the collar. Whatever the reason, I don’t march down the steps, scoop her up, and set her back in her car.

My voice is tight as I reiterate my demands. “I was quite specific when I ordered a dog walker. I said I wanted a male.”

The pup woofs, his legs quiver, and my palm pushes down on his butt. “Stay.”

The woman steps between the two feng shui lions at the foot of my entrance. “Don’t be ridiculous. What difference does it make? You’re gone most of the time and you’ve got that whole empty cottage with no one in it.”

Suddenly, her eyes go wide, her hands shoot to her mouth, and in an exaggerated move, she covers her heart. “Is it because of your dear departed wife?”

Almost everyone knows there was nothing dear about my departed wife. Charlene slept around while I was deployed, killed my son, and most have the good sense not to speak of her.

“If I want a goddamned male employee, it’s none of your business.” My teeth grit down, my chest constricts, and my fists clench at my side.

“Woof.” The pup jumps up and I settle him down with a pat to the head. “Good boy.”

Mrs. Weinstein must be getting senile because she neither catches my tone nor the muscles pulsing in my neck.

“Don’t be rude, young man. For your information, all my men are booked. This is your only option and if you want my services, you’ll take what I give you. I’ll have you know I have a waiting list that goes out almost a year. The only reason I gave you Lila was to do Isabella a favor. Go ahead and try to find someone, especially a man.” Her chin waggles when she strains her neck to look up at me.

Damn it. Isabella is my boss’s wife, and I don’t want this to get back to her. I never wanted a dog, but the poor thing came to me wounded. What could I do? I wasn’t going to put him in a shelter. And, no way will I return him to his owner, not until I find out who shot him. What kind of bastard hurts an innocent puppy?

Besides, the dog has grown on me. At least he’ll have a good home while I sort this out. All this goes through my mind while I try to calm the puppy and the fuming octogenarian.

I heave out a sigh. “Fine. She can stay.”

“Hmph. I’ll cut you some slack, Alexander, because of what happened to your family, God rest their souls, but that doesn’t give you a free pass with me, forever. Now, march yourself over to the carriage house and apologize to that girl. I’ll hold the dog.”

“Me? Apologize to her? I’ll have you know she broke open my stitches and held a weapon to my face.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake.” She rolls her eyes. “Everyone knows you’re Grayson Patten’s bodyguard and took a bullet for him. You can’t tell me that itty-bitty slip of a girl was any danger.”

Hell yeah, she was a danger and still is.My stupid cock hasn’t been so interested since my failed marriage. I sure as hell am never doing that again. Worse, last night, when the beauty stood between my thighs, I felt something break free in my chest. It’s far worse than lust and that can’t happen, either. I like my life the way it is.

“I’ll go speak with her.”

It’s no doubt the only way I’ll be rid of Mrs. Weinstein.

“Good idea, Alexander. I’ll wait here.” Her smug smile makes me feel about twelve as I hand off the pup’s collar and head to my guest house.

Pup whines and I know just how he feels. This sucks. I don’t want a beautiful young woman around who smells so good, with mile-long legs.

It’ll be hard but I can avoid her. She’s walking my dog, not my housekeeper, and not my nanny. For fuck’s sake, I’m Air Force, Special Ops. I’m a goddamned bodyguard for one of the richest men in the world. Surely, I can deal with one pretty little med student until I find a good home for Dog.

On second thought, I circle back for the pup. Perhaps, his cute charm will soften up the girl.

Shit, this may be pointless. When I circle the house, the brunette’s got the trunk open, her suitcase in hand.
