Page 63 of Kings of Seduction

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‘Oh, I see you were extra thoughtful.’

‘I just like knowing you are in my room.’

‘Hmmm... Just knowing I’m there?’ I asked, sensing there was much more than justknowingI’m there.

‘Okay. Knowing you are naked in my room.’ He slowed down the car. ‘Moaning, screaming, begging...’

‘Jesus, remind me next time to stop before I ask something that could have the slightest kind of connotation.’

‘Okay, Mrs. Prude.’

‘That prude thing again...’ I rolled my eyes, annoyed that he wasn’t giving me a break about that. And the chances were he never would.

‘Then tell me your darkest fantasies.’

I wasn’t going to fall into that trap again, especially since I had no idea what that even meant any longer.

Was it something related to his thirst for testing the limits of public exposure?

Perhaps something to do with Ferris’s close-to-death experiences?

Or maybe Brax’s games in the glass room?

What worried me most was that it could be something that had to do with all three of those.

No matter what my thoughts were, I wasn’t going to let the conversation with Cole degenerate into anything that could increase his sexual urges.

We were on our way to having dinner with the parents, and I wasn’t going to be a part of some under-the-table movement.

That didn’t mean I couldn’t make a little fun of him. ‘My darkest fantasies.... ... Let’s see. My darkest fantasies involve something hot... and something creamy.’ I paused, watching his pupils flare. ‘Something creamy poured on a steaming hot surface. And then it hardens.’ I moved my tongue against my lips, noticing him swallowing the lump in his throat. ‘And then you flip it, turning it bottoms up.’

‘Flip who?’ His patience could not be restrained any longer.

‘Not who. What. The pancake, you flip the pancake, then you pour some chocolate syrup and ice cream. Talk about dark fantasies. That desert is a caloric bomb.’

‘You should write books. You’re giving me blue balls with that description.’

‘You’re the one that asked.’ I was just replying to his request, although I was doing it my way.

‘I meant another kind of dark fantasy. It could still involve the chocolate syrup and the ice cream.’

‘No, we can’t. I don’t want your mother to get the wrong impression.’

‘She saw you sneaking into my room at 3 am. Any impression she needed, she got.’

Great. That just made me not want to go any longer.

‘Take me back home,’ I whined, knowing that any chance of escape was already wasted.

‘Relax. You’ll get ano babies until graduationat most from my mom.’

‘Do you think jumping out of a moving car would kill me? I don’t want to risk surviving this.’ I made him crack up with laughter.

‘You’re going to be fine. Nothing can hurt you as long as you’re with me. I promise.’

I knew he meant those words.

But little did I know what those words reallymeant.
