Page 25 of Shattered Oath

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He stays motionless, letting me set the pace as I start rocking against him.

“Lev!” I moan. “Oh, God…” Heat washes over me as I struggle to maintain a pace that won’t have me toppling over the edge too soon. I want him to know I’m here for him. That I’ll be with him no matter what.

He cups my face in big, calloused hands, staring at me with that intensity he’d shown that first night I’d admitted how I feel about him. Looking for answers to questions he hasn’t asked. I don’t know what he needs to hear. All I know is how I feel.

“I’ll always love you,” I mouth silently against his lips before they close, covering mine. I don’t know if he hears it, but huge arms encircle me, holding almost painfully tight as he starts to thrust into me with a force that takes my breath away.

Seeing past the walls he’s built around his heart has shifted something in me. And it’s as though he can feel the shift too. The man I love has been through hell, and all I want is for him to find peace. I don’t care how hard I’ll have to work to give him that. He deserves it. I want him to see this as the beginning of everything I have for him.

A thousand tiny ripples have shuddered through me by the time I realize I can’t hold off anymore.

“Cum with me,” I plead as I pull back and gaze into his face. I reach for his hand and hold it over my left breast, pressing down hard. “I want to feel you…here…”

His eyes search my face, still silently seeking something I don’t know how to give. His hand cups my flesh, thumb moving over the aching point of my nipple, driving my need deeper.

“Cum with me,” I say again, knowing I’m almost reaching the point where nothing will matter anymore. His answering groan sounds almost broken as he dips his head, trails his lips past my collarbone, and sinks his teeth into my flesh with enough force to have me crying out and bucking.

The heady combination of pleasure and pain has my head spinning as the world explodes around us. He hasn’t echoed the words I said to him, but I can feel his lips moving against my skin as he exhales a string of guttural words that seem sweeter somehow.

Maybe he can’t say it. But as the hurricane of sensation finally subsides and we hold each other through the storm, I cling to him like a life raft.

And for the first time ever, behind thick layers of haunting darkness and soul-crushing pain…

I can see the light of love in his eyes.



“I’ll always love you,” Aurora’s words echo in my ears.

I sink back onto the bed, taking her down with me. I don’t know what to think anymore. These moments seem to have connected me to her in a way I can’t comprehend.

Yet, none of it is real.

Maybe I can’t tell the difference between lies and truth anymore.

It’s my own fucking fault. I thought I could handle this. I thought I could handleher.

She sighs against my throat as I pull us further onto the bed, kicking my shoes off, not caring that both of us are still half-dressed. We lie there in silence, not needing words… not knowing what words would be right now, anyhow. I feel her soften against me, her breath growing deeper as she sinks into sleep.

Sleep. It’s become so precious with her; rich with color and devoid of horror. For the first time in my life, I wake up rested each morning.

Fuck, I’m going to miss that.

I glance down as she nestles closer and murmurs something under her breath. A battle wages within me. After all that’s happened, I’m torn, especially since I walked in on that conversation with her so-called aunt.

What the fuck could she be up to?

If we were regular people, I’d probably simply ask. And she’d simply answer. But we’re not regular people. The world we live in doesn’t hold simple answers.

I have to get up.

Carefully extracting myself, so as not to wake her, I slide off the bed and reach for my phone. I idly fasten my pants as I flick through several messages from Ludis. There’s a report in my mailbox that I’ll need to work through before the weekend. But still nothing from fucking Petrov. I scowl as I reach for my shirt and slide my arms into the sleeves.

“Hey…” Aurora’s voice is foggy with sleep and I turn to see her watching me.

“Sorry I woke you,” I tell her as I begin fixing the buttons of my shirt. Her brows crease with a frown.
