Page 14 of One Night Rancher

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“How do you know that?”

“I know that,” she said, “because it’s not like you to have doubts, and you do. If you’re uncertain, and you’re pausing, then there’s something else going on.”

He didn’t like that. Didn’t like that shifting sand feeling underneath his feet.

It probably had to do with his brothers getting married. It was just a change.

Made him contemplate what things would look like for him, because they wouldn’t look like that.

He also didn’t love that she could read him so well. He needed to be able to read her. It was important. He had to protect her. Take care of her. Make sure that she was doing all right. The thing was, he had his whole big family. And since her grandfather’s death, Cara had nobody. She’d always had fewer people than him. And it made him really important. It made what he did for her really important.

So yeah, he kind of prided himself on knowing what was going on with her, on keeping track of her. On making sure that everything was all right.

But the fact that she seemed to be able to read him... He wasn’t sure how he felt about that.

“You know, there are some other shops on Main Street that are being sold. The businesses are still going to be there, but the buildings are up for sale...”

“Are you suggesting that I invest in real estate?”

“It’s an idea.”

It was. It was also... Roots. Ties. It wasn’t like he was planning on leaving Little Rock. No, that didn’t really factor into his plans. But he also didn’t own land for a reason.

And what exactly is that reason?

He shoved that thought to the side.

“What movie are we opening with?”

“Oh,” she said. “You’re going to love this.” She settled onto her sleeping bag, grabbing her tablet and setting it up on the floor. She rested her elbows on the sleeping bag, and her chin on her knuckles. “I thought that we needed some nostalgia.”

“Oh no,” he said.

“Do you remember when we skipped school and we drove down to Bend and we went to see our favorite buddy cop movie?”

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“You can quote that movie in its entirety. Do you actually need to watch it again?”

“Yes I do. Because you know that if I were a lion and you were a tuna...”

“You’re ridiculous,” he said. But he did find it endearing. He liked that she enjoyed a raunchy comedy, just as much as he did. Though, this was not his favorite.

“Don’t worry,” she said. “I also have the terrible dream movie you love so much.”

“Thank you.”

“And you know, an array of teen movies. FromMean GirlstoEasy A.”

“I don’t like those movies.”

“I know you don’t. I don’t care. But we’ll probably fall asleep before then, because we are not eighteen—we’re old.”

“Speak for yourself.”

“I’m younger than you,” she said.
