Page 20 of Come Back to Me

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“Drinks!!” She yells louder. I look back at her, lifting my arms to shrug, letting her know I’m not understanding what she’s asking.

“DRINKS!” She screams just as the song is changing and noise dies down, causing me to scream back until we both crack up with laughter and turn four shades of red. We walk to the bar, arm in arm. I look over my shoulder once, but lose sight of Mr. Hunky.

After the first set is over, Alex and I move on from drinks to shots. This isn’t what I came out for, but it’s been forever since I’ve let loose and had some fun. It feels good to be buzzed, laughing, and dancing with my best friend.

“One more lemon drop?” she shouts. I respond with a thumbs up as we make our way off the dance floor to the bar.

“Thank you, Alex! I’m honestly having the best night, I love the band and needed this. You are the best!”

“Of course! I know, I’m amazeballs!”

She slides the shot over to me but before I can grab it, a set of long, masculine fingers scoops it up and deposits it into his perfect mouth.Hello, Mr. Hunky… Oh damn. I recognize the shirt on his back from my little lust fest earlier. Good thing I didn’t see his face before, or I might have run away. “Thanks,” he mouths.

“What the hell, dude?” Alex says in an irritated tone.

“Sorry, it just looked so good, I couldn’t help but want to taste it.”

I level my glare at him and roll my eyes. Looking at Alex, I can see his charm has won one of us over. “Alex, this is Cole Parker. You know, my destroyer.”

Cole looks at me with a confused grin, and Alex starts to howl with laughter. “Oh, shit! Oh shit!” She says, doubled over. “It’s nice to meet you, Cole.”

“Likewise,” he says, still staring at me. My insides do a double flip. “Missed you, buttercup,” he says just as the music starts up again.

Alex looks like her eyes are going to bug out of her head. She starts mouthing about the note and pointing at Cole dramatically behind his back. I try to shake my head inconspicuously, and when he turns his attention to me I pretend to nod along with the music.

“I’m surprised you like this music. I didn’t take you for an 80’s kind of girl.”

“Yep! Love it.”Please don’t ask me the name of the cover band. My crazy friend brought me here, ironically to forget about my memory problems.“I’m just a lover of music! What are you doing here? I didn’t take you for someone who hangs out at a bar.”

“I like music and people annndddd fun Mia, let me buy you another drink, okay?”

“Okay, it’s the least you can do since you stole mine.” He smiles and leans on the bar.

“Two lemon drop shots and a scotch, neat. Whatever you have top shelf is fine.”

He turns back and smiles that gorgeous smile that makes him look young and carefree. I’m a goner.

We do our shots and Alex pushes against the bar top to announce with flourishes that she is going to the ladies room. She grabs my hand and jerks me in the same direction. I smile at Cole as I pass him, and laugh, “be back in a minute.”

He smiles and watches us walk away. When we get into the bathroom, Alex spins around, covers her mouth with her hands, and starts jumping up and down.

“Stop! No way! Nothing is happening. We’re just having a couple of drinks, that’s all”

“Come on, Mia! He is smoking hot and you know it. He hasn’t stopped staring at you with those dreamy eyes since he spotted us… and you look like a kid on Christmas morning!”

I wander over to the sinks and start applying lip-gloss. “Look, I am not, I repeat, not going there. The guy has trouble written all over him and I’m already knee deep in regret with Jack!” I haven’t spoken to Jack since our fight, even though he’s left several messages.

“Forget Jack! Who needs Jack when you have a serious McHottie out there waiting for you?!” Alex is toasted and blurts this out. I am also feeling no pain and don’t completely disagree.

I stand for a minute in the ladies’ room, thinking. He is super-hot, and this may be the alcohol talking but I’m not withJack, so who says I can’t have fun tonight? I’m positive that if I choose anyone to show me a good time, Cole is a solid bet.

I look in the mirror as Alex walks up behind me. “Ooohhh you have that look! He won’t even know what hit him,” she grins. I turn and high five her, and we walk out of the bathroom, straight toward trouble.

“You’re back! I was starting to think you crawled out the bathroom window.”

“Very funny, wanna dance?”Ooohhh I’m bold… Thanks, liquor!

“To this? I think this is more of a stand and nod kind of crowd.”
