Page 49 of Pretty Savages

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The group poses for photos, before we make our way back to the top of the hill for our reception entrance.

The sun is just starting to set, casting an orange glow over the farm. We all gasp in unison when fairy lights are turned on around the building, sparkling as we line up.

Ben stands next to me, holding out his arm. I take it, giving him a grin as I wait to be called into the room. Everyone is already seated inside, enjoying canapes and drinks while they wait for us.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids go in first, each couple being announced over the microphone. When mine and Ben's names are called, we walk in, throwing our now linked hands in the air. My bouquet of flowers hang in my other hand, as we walk down the center aisle towards the bridal table.

The room looks amazing – it's rustic, with green plants and decor lining the room. The tables are set up length ways, covered in white sheets with blue decorations to match the bridal theme. Fairy lights are strung up around the room, with candles on the tables illuminating the room in soft glows.

When the groomsmen and bridesmaids are seated at the table, we wait for Phoebe and Con to be announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen. It's my absolute pleasure to welcome the amazing, the new… Mr. and Mrs. Sloane!"

The guests erupt in more cheers as Phoebe and Con appear, hand in hand as they dance their way through the tables. As they approach the table, Phoebe looks over at me, a huge grin on her face. I cheer, clapping my hands as I throw her a wink.

The celebration kicks off in full mode, with appetizers and entrees coming out, and speeches with embarrassing stories about their childhoods. Ronnie gives a speech about his little girl, telling the room about how proud he is for her and how he loves the man who has chosen to spend his life with his daughter.

Ben and I start taking bets on the wedding cake, watching with bated breath as they cut into it. As anticipated, we catch a glimmer of chocolate and Ben slams his fist on the table in excitement.

"Hot damn!" he says, leaning back in his chair to look over at me.

The caterers take the cake away to be cut for the guests, with the announcer motioning for the bridal party to head outside, followed by the guests. We walk outside and around the side of the building where a huge makeshift dance floor has been laid under a wooden canopy frame. The top is entwined with vines and fairy lights, with the stars visible as Phoebe and Con take center stage for their first dance.

Ronnie takes over at the end of the song, and everyone is horribly in tears as we watch the emotional daddy-daughter dance. We're then motioned in for the bridal party to join. Ben puts his hands on my waist as I link my arms around his neck.

"Are you crying?" I ask through my own tears, mocking him despite the fact I am also a blubbering mess.

"No, of course not," Ben sniffles, throwing his head back. "A bug flew in my eye."

I chuckle. "Okay, big man. If you say so."

After the dancing, I make my way to the bar to grab another drink. I grin as Phoebe joins me, her white dress giving her a large protective radius.

"You look beautiful," I mutter to her, smiling.

"So do you," she says softly.

I reach over and wipe a bit of smeared mascara from the corner of her eye. "Your dad looks so proud. You're amazing. I hope today is everything you wanted it to be."

"It is," Phoebe says, grabbing the wine from the server. I collect my own, turning and following her back outside.

The two of us stand on the grass, staring at the sky quietly.

"Cheers," I grin, holding out my glass.

She clinks our glasses, a sly smile coming over her face. "I might have done something bad."

"Are you quoting me?" I ask, feigning shock.

Phoebe laughs. "Yes. I have a present for you."

"I like presents. Presents are good, not bad," I mumble, taking a sip.

She shrugs awkwardly. "Guess it depends on the present. But you have to go get it."

I look around. "Okay, now I'm intrigued. Where is it?"

Phoebe turns to me, reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. "Down by the pond, near that big tree."
