Page 27 of Hybrid Hearts

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I know Rachel’s been helping her, and Dante hasn’t really done any magic in a while. Kind of like he’s been avoiding it. Shit. He’s been avoiding his warlock side since he became pack.

“I don’t know. Maybe,” she says, not sounding convinced.

I can’t believe I didn’t realize he’s been hiding that side of himself.

I’m his Alpha. I’m supposed to notice when something’s wrong.

“I’ll talk to him,” I promise her.

“You will?” She seems relieved.

“I will.”

She wasn’t sure about asking him, then. I guess he is a little secretive about some things. And Amanda can be pretty reluctant to do something if she thinks it might rock the boat.

I feel her relax and it makes me relax.

She yawns, and I yawn.

Sleep claims us both, and we completely surrender.

Chapter Thirteen


IwaitforDannyoutside Mason’s new tattoo shop. I’m not sure exactly how I know when it’s time for him to be off duty, I just get this excited feeling when it’s about to happen, like I have a body clock that’s finely tuned to the presence of my mates. It knows their schedules. It keeps track, even when other things distract me.

Those other things usually involve at least one of them, even if it’s not the incredibly exciting type of other thing. Which is pretty rare, I’ll admit. Most other things lead up to indulging my heat. Like today, I was busy helping Nix clear out one of Mason’s back rooms. That was the plan, at least. We managed maybe an hour, max, of clearing out before we got otherwise distracted.

Eventually, we got back into it, and then my internal clock told me it was almost time for Danny to get off work, and I had to leave Nix to take over the reception desk when the new half-warlock guy had to take off.

Can’t really blame the guy for wanting an early finish. He’s worked most of the longer days since he took the job. Nix has been able to pick and choose his shifts and he usually chooses to leave at five so he can help with dinner prep before our Beta gets home.

Mason’s been booked solid the five days a week that he works. Apparently, Wolf Creek is full of tattoo enthusiasts who were sick of travelling for days to get inked up out of town. He thinks it’ll calm down a little once the clients he’s picked up have gotten the designs they’ve been waiting for, but right now he has them lining up around the block. The appointment book is packed for the rest of the year.

I know he feels kind of guilty about the time it takes away from us, which is why I make sure I spend the whole day with him when he’s not working.

So far, his days off are different from Danny’s, which means I spend Danny’s days off with him and Nix gets me to himself the other three days, which makes those the days he either refuses to work or brings me into the shop with him and we spend all day looking for chances to steal a minute alone in one of the back rooms. Well, okay, twenty minutes alone, bare minimum.

At night, we all usually manage to have dinner together. Sometimes we watch TV, if we can agree on what to watch, and sometimes we head out for a run through the woods or a swim in the lake.

At some point, the heat inevitably gets too strong to ignore, and those are the moments that make me realize how damned lucky I’ve gotten with these three guys as my mates.

The bell over the door jangles as Nix opens it and comes outside.

My red-headed Omega gives me a bright smile as he lets the door fall shut. “No sign of him yet?”

I shake my head slowly. “He did say he might check in on a few places on his way back tonight.”

“Right,” Nix says, nodding as he leans against the wall next to me. “Let’s hope he’s not butting heads with one of the other Alphas.”

I let out a snort, and he echoes it with one of his own.

Our Alpha has more restraint than anyone I’ve ever known.

He’s a peacemaker, a boy scout. He was practically a saint when we met, which led to some pretty confusing moments before he accepted his place as our Alpha and became my mate.

“There’s no way in hell he’s starting anything,” I tell Nix.
