Page 45 of Hybrid Hearts

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The second I concentrate on the spot and think that word, I feel something change inside me.

Freya’s magic connects to my intent. I blink and find myself standing in the spot I chose.

Parker’s stunned gaze fixes on mine from where I left him standing alone.

“Wow,” Jillian murmurs quietly, her eyebrows rising. “That was awesome.”

“How do we make sure our mates come with us?” I ask.

“Touch them, and picture them there with you when you think of the place you want to go to. Then think of the word to make it happen.”

Cheryl’s pack surrounds her swiftly, and she closes her eyes as she puts a hand on her Alpha mate’s wolf’s head. She opens her eyes again and smiles at us. “See you around.”

When she closes them again, she vanishes, along with her pack.

Rachel looks at me.

“Don’t you need help with the witches?” I ask, knowing I’m just procrastinating.

She shakes her head. “This is my mess to clean up. The council will expect me to answer a lot of questions. It’s going to be a long night. You should get some rest. They might contact you tomorrow.”

“If you’re sure,” I tell her, wishing I felt as certain as she seems.

She nods. “Go. I’ll send Jillian and her mates home.”

I take Parker’s hand and picture the apartment. I picture us standing like this together in the main room. Then, I think of my word, and he gives me a strange smile before the world around us changes.

The rush I feel when I look around and see we’re in our home is indescribable.

“You did it,” Parker tells me, awe in his tone.

“I guess I did.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


IgetupfromSean’s side when Parker and Amanda appear in the room. I can’t describe the relief I feel seeing my mate is safe and well. Rescuing my Alpha from the spell he was put under was important, but I couldn’t erase my worries while I was gone. Knowing Rachel is capable doesn’t make it easy to walk away from Amanda when she’s in trouble.

“What happened?” I ask, taking Amanda’s hands and pulling her away from Parker.

He sighs and I give him a scowl. He got to stay with her while I was gone. It’s my turn to monopolize her time. She looks flushed and feels excited. Her skin is glowy, and it takes a second to realize it’s because of magic. She used magic. She summoned it and used it.

“Kind of a lot happened,” she tells me, her excitement turning to worry when her gaze falls on Sean.

He’s still passed out on the couch. I feel her worry rising, becoming panic.

“He’s okay,” I reassure her. “He got hit by a pretty heavy knock-out spell. They tripled the impact because he’s a shifter. That’s why he’s still out.”

It was a little more complicated than that, but I won’t worry her over something that’s been fixed.

The spell incorporated dark magic. It was a possession spell, on top of a knock-out spell.

I didn’t find that out until I woke him and he started trying to choke me.

“Really?” Parker asks, not sounding convinced.

Amanda sinks to her knees beside Sean and strokes a hand through his hair. He seems to lean into her touch, even while he’s unconscious.
