Page 49 of Hybrid Hearts

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“Um,” he says, glancing back and closing the door slightly. He opens it after a second with a more normal smile on his lips. “Sure. Come in.”

I breathe through my mouth to ignore the arousal scents that are heavy in the air. It’s weird how much my sense of smell has strengthened ever since I became a hybrid. I had no idea wolves were so much more sensitive to scents than gators.

Rachel’s hair is mussed when I catch sight of her, but she’s fully dressed and pretending like she’s checking one of the fridges for something when I get to her.

“Hey, Danny,” she greets. “What can we do for you?”

She closes the fridge door and lets her gaze meet mine.

“I wondered how the trial was going?” I ask.

She nods. “The witches are still being assessed. Two of them are having their powers stripped, but it turns out the third was spelled against her will and possessed by a demon. She didn’t know anything about anything. So she’s probably going to be released. After some therapy, and with someone who’ll watch over her in case she decides to go dark on her own.”

“That’s a little worrying,” I admit. I’d hoped all three would be gone for good once she turned them over. Dark Lord worshippers are nothing but trouble.

“It is and it’s not,” she says, shrugging. “I can’t help wondering how I’d feel in her shoes. She didn’t actually do anything wrong, besides being a witch and being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time by a wannabe coven leader and her lackey.”

I nod slowly. It’s not important. Not really.

I didn’t come here to find out what the witches were being charged with.

“Any reason the other two might get accepted back into the academy any time soon?” I ask, deciding to cut to the point.

Her eyes widen. “Oh! Right. No, there’s no way in hell they’ll get to keep their places at the academy. Not after everything they did. The council did some digging and found out they’d killed a girl to summon the demon to possess their third. So they’re on a straight to imprisonment charge no matter what else the trial reveals.”

“How soon will they inform the academy?” I ask.

“I’ll check and let you know,” Rachel says. “Write down your number.”

I get my notebook out and tear off a clean page. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem. I hope the academy registers them as drop-outs soon. I’m sure Jillian and Nix will be happy to take their places.”

I pass her the number and my lips twitch, knowing how excited my mate will be when she finds out she can actually start this year, the same as her friends.

“Hm. I don’t know how I feel about another Omega being in your classes,” Carter jokes, jumping up to sit on the counter at Rachel’s back.

Her eyes roll as she turns to him. “You know you’re the only Omega I have eyes for.”

“Maybe I just like to hear it,” he tells her, before the conversation devolves into a make-out session.

I mutter my goodbyes and leave them to it.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Theghostwhoknowsmy name is back. I notice when I’m headed out to the bar, and I try to think about where I might have seen her before. She smiles wanly at me.

“You don’t remember me.”

“I don’t.”

“I’m not surprised,” she says. “We were in some of the same classes in high school, but you were always dealing with shit from ghosts or assholes. You probably don’t remember too many people from back then.”

She’s right. My memories from those days are foggy at best.

I only remember the people I didn’t get along with. Like Danny.
