Page 9 of Hybrid Hearts

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“So, how were your morning classes?” I ask, trying to judge whether something about the academy is distracting her. It’s a kind of weird mix of college and high school, with a full quota of hybrids who have a lot to learn about one or both sides of themselves. Personality clashes happen, and the professors aren’t always the most helpful.

She shrugs. “They were okay.”

I know that shrug. It’s her ‘let’s pretend that didn’t happen’ shrug. She wheels it out when something makes her uncomfortable and she’s too polite to speak up. Damn. Something really is bothering her.

“Rachel has the same timetable, right?” I ask as I pick up my soda.

“She does,” she confirms, picking at the remains of her grilled cheese.

Her pretty green eyes don’t rise to meet my gaze.

Apollo be damned. If her friend turns out to be a bitch, I’m going to have to go threaten her Alpha.

Sean is already on shaky footing with the guy, considering he’s encroaching on his territory until our mate finishes school and we can strike out on our own.

I’m just trying to figure out my next question when Sean and Dante step into the kitchen.

“About time,” I tell them. “It’s going cold.”

Dante rolls his eyes as he sits down, swooping into the other seat next to Amanda as if he’s afraid Sean will try to take his regular chair if he’s not fast. We’ve definitely fallen into some habits in the last couple of months, and our own preferred spots at the table and around the TV are some of those habits. Sean is selectively oblivious to it, usually when he’s the one missing out on the seat next to our mate.

“Grilled cheese is like pizza. It tastes just as good cold,” Dante tells me as he picks his up.

“You’re dead to me,” I tell him, making Amanda snort lightly.

Dante smirks as he eats. He’s probably just saying it to annoy me.

Almost everything he says seems designed to needle me.

He’s the annoying younger brother I never wanted.

Only, he’s also sleeping with my girl, which makes him ten times more irritating.

Sean shakes his head when I start to scowl. He only tries to referee us when an argument starts to get out of hand. That’s not happening right now.

He reaches across the table and takes Amanda’s hand in his.

“The car is finished,” he says quietly.

Her eyes light up as she looks at him. “It is?”

“I want to take you for a drive later. After class.”

She nods. “That sounds nice.”

She sounds so happy I clamp down on the complaint that wants to burst forth. If Sean’s taking her out tonight, he’s doing that to be alone with her. That leaves me and my annoying kid brother back here kicking up dirt. I groan inside my head, but I keep a smile on my face for Amanda’s sake.

If the thought of going for a drive with our Alpha pushes whatever’s worrying her away, I can’t be selfish and complain that he’s monopolizing her time.

Making our mate happy is the most important thing.

Even if sometimes that means she’s with one of my pack brothers instead of me.

I manage to keep a smile on my lips until it’s time for her to go back to the Academy.

Dante gets to walk her back to class, and I get to watch them go from the window.

I turn to Sean when they’ve gone. “Did he tell you what was wrong?”
