Page 8 of Hybrid Hearts

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“I’ll talk to her later,” Sean says finally, motioning to me to get inside. “You guys have less than an hour to eat and get back to the academy.”

I nod, stepping past him and heading up the stairs.

Later. We’ll deal with this later.

Chapter Five


Halfadayspentpacing around the apartment, cleaning stuff that really didn’t need cleaned, and I’m going stir-fucking-crazy waiting for the afternoon to get here and bring me my mate back.

The summer spoiled all of us.

Sure, Sean had to work a little, but we all hung around with him in the shop. Well, mostly I hung around with Amanda in the office. Sometimes Dante joined us and sometimes he helped Sean work on a car. It was fucking perfect.

Now that school has started up, I’m going to have to face the fact that I don’t have a real job or even a prospect of a job, and I have zero clue what I want to do with my life, besides looking after my mate, following the orders of my Alpha, and engaging in a little friendly competition with our Omega. Pack life is bliss now that Amanda’s here and we’re like a real family, even if that family is pretty unconventional.

That’s my home life, and I love it, but it’s not enough. I can’t just hang around here every day, wearing down the floorboards and scrubbing the shine off everything in sight.

I’m going to have to do something. I just don’t fucking know what.

So I concentrate on planning. I make sure we have the right groceries to make the lunch Amanda likes best, and I think about how to get some time alone with her later.

When the clock hits midday, I dart over to the window to watch for her coming.

Sean comes up into the apartment from the shop, and I hear him washing his hands as I catch sight of her with Dante across the street.

I dart to the kitchen and shoo Sean out of the way.

“She’s here?” he asks, stepping back and wiping his hands on a towel.

“Almost, and I want this to be the best grilled cheese she’s ever had.”

“Guess I’ll go let them in,” he murmurs, a hint of amusement in his tone.

I shrug as I get my prepped and waiting sandwiches sizzling for their arrival.

There are hundreds of ways to make an incredible grilled cheese sandwich, and considering it’s Amanda’s favorite food, I intend to try a whole bunch of them until I discover the winner.

I plate up the lunches and head toward the door, just as Amanda opens it and steps inside.

I can’t resist the impulse to grab her and swing her around.

She lets out a surprised squeak, a noise I don’t think I’ve ever heard her make before, and I can’t help the laughter that bubbles up from my gut as I set her back down.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” I tell her, leaning in for a kiss.

I make it quick, because she’s in heat and I don’t want to be tempted to drag her into my room and lock the door. She doesn’t have that kind of time.

“You must be starving.”

“I didn’t think I was,” she admits, “but I am now.”

We sit, and I wonder idly what Dante is talking to Sean about.

They take their sweet time coming inside, so I know Dante must be bending our Alpha’s ear about something. He’s always asking questions. He’s not used to being in a pack.

Usually, I wouldn’t complain. Being alone with our mate is a nice change from sharing her attention with them, but today feels different. Amanda only pauses eating to tell me it tastes amazing. She’s quiet, but she’s not usually this quiet. Not around me, not around us.

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