Page 103 of Moon Cursed

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“You’re a female Alpha,” Georgia whispers.

“Yes,” Cheryl tells her. “I’m Cheryl, and this is Everett. We’re both Alphas. We run this pack together.”

“Nice to meet you,” Georgia says. “This is Leo. He’s a little tired right now. It was a long drive.”

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Cheryl says, with Everett echoing a grudging greeting along the same lines immediately afterward.

“Would you like something to eat or drink? Everett made too much for lunch so there’s extra in the fridge. There are also some cakes still hot from the oven…”

“Cakes?” Leo asks, his head coming up from his mother’s shoulder instantly, bright eyes popping open.

Cheryl laughs. “I’ll go have some brought through. Make yourselves comfortable.”

She leaves the room, and Georgia takes the seat opposite Oscar. Leo squirms out of her arms to stand at the table. He looks around in wonder, and I can’t help smiling.

It’s kind of strange to see a kid in this room, but it’s also kind of nice.

Oscar gets up and the kid looks up at him.

“Hey, Leo, you want me to show you the cool stuff in the room?”

He nods eagerly and takes Oscar’s hand.

Georgia smiles and watches him as the kid leads Oscar to the jukebox straight off the bat.

It is kind of cool. You can see some of the insides, even if it’s not lit up when it’s switched off.

Everett sits back down slowly, looking awkward at being left alone with a woman he’s barely met.

I glance out of the window before I sit down next to where Cheryl was.

My mate has gone outside to speak to Rachel in private.

She must have told Everett they’d speak to Georgia together.

I try to relax while we wait. Kind of hard when Oscar plugs the jukebox back in and lets the kid line up a crazy array of songs. He either can’t read yet and picked at random, or he has the most insanely eclectic taste I’ve ever seen in a seven-year-old.

“Sorry,” Georgia says, flushing red. “He likes music. Any music. You should probably turn it off before he finds a song he loves and insists on playing over and over.”

“It’s fine,” I tell her. “He can play around with it. We stopped using it a while ago, but it’s nice to have it on again.”

Oscar’s showing him the pool table now and teaching him how to hold a cue.

He seems interested, until Vi walks into the room via the back door with a tray full of cakes.

Then, Leo drops the cue on the floor and goes straight for Vi, his eyes on the tray.

“Leo,” Georgia chides from across the room.

He can’t hear her, or he’s pretending he can’t. Kind of hard to tell with a nineties girl power pop song blasting from the speakers. Vi lowers the tray and he takes a cake with chocolate frosting.

I can smell them now, and my stomach rumbles.

“Thank you,” the kid says, before he starts eating.

“Aw you’re welcome, cutie,” Vi says, before she brings the tray back up.

Oscar’s the first to grab one. He practically inhales it, less manners than the kid.
