Page 119 of Moon Cursed

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I want to ignore her, but I know we can’t.

“This isn’t how it ends,” I promise him.

“I should hope not,” he murmurs.

He looks at the woman who’s been sent to break our bonds. “How does this work?”

“It’s just a spell,” she says. “Your bonds were made by acts of magic therefore they can be undone by magic.”

She makes it sound so simple. It’s not.

The bonds we made were supposed to be forever.

Breaking them is going to hurt. None of us are going to be the same after this.

“Are you ready to get started?” she asks, looking from Oscar to me and back again.

“No,” Oscar admits, “But I doubt I ever will be.”

Words abandon me. I’ve used them all up to get to this point. There’s nothing more I can say.

Mabel starts the spell to break the bonds I made with Oscar.

I stay numbed by his touch until the spell starts to work.

Then, I feel his efforts being undone.

My pain rises back to the surface, making my vision blur and my heart ache.

I’m losing one of my mates and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

Tear roll down my cheeks. I don’t try to stop them.

I feel empty inside, like I’ve been hollowed out.

I can’t imagine how Oscar’s feeling. I’m devastated at losing him, but he’s losing all of us.

His bonds with Noah as a pack brother are linked to Everett. He’ll lose them both when his bond with his first Alpha is broken. I don’t know how the hell he can be expected to cope with that loss.

He’s an Omega. He feels everything more deeply.

The pain feels like it’s tearing me apart.

I look at him, and he winces.

Anger starts to replace the pain I’m feeling. He shouldn’t have to go through this. It’s too much for him. He’s going to struggle to survive it. His bright eyes seem dull, his expression is slackening off.

Every instinct inside me rages at what’s being done to the Omega I promised to protect and love.

Our bonds might be broken, but I’ll never break those promises.

I’m ready to take on the pack who are trying to steal him away.

Prepared to do whatever it takes to get him back.

Those wolves will regret ever setting foot on our land.

Chapter Seventy-Four
