Page 120 of Moon Cursed

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NooneeverteachesOmegas what it’s like to be an emotional sponge, soaking up every drop of every emotion in a room and feeling little bits of things you shouldn’t be. It’s confusing until you get used to it. It’s easy to let the moods of other people alter your own. To get annoyed at nothing because someone else is having a bad day, or to find yourself singing along to a song on the radio because a random stranger you passed is falling in love.

It takes time and work to learn how to filter what you’re absorbing.

To find the best way to separate your own feelings from those of others.

It’s easy to get lost in someone else’s emotions, especially when they’re someone you care about.

It’s impossible to ignore the pain of someone you love.

There’s no filtering that out. You need to feel it, and it drives in deep.

Cheryl’s pain is much harder to manage than my own. The emptiness she feels when our bond is broken is devastating. She sinks into mourning and tears won’t stop spilling from her big, dark eyes.

My touch helped her until it didn’t.

The calming effect faded away when our bond broke.

Her emotions surged, spilling over into me. My pain twisted into anguish, blasting over me in stereo.

Every tear that rolls down her cheek feels like it’s burning a hole right through my heart.

I can’t move. I’m frozen in agony.

The witch talks, but I don’t hear her.

She breaks my bond to Everett while I’m still being drowned in my mate’s pain.

The floodgates burst open to sink me deeper when she breaks my bond to my Alpha.

I lose Noah at the same time, and suddenly I’m completely untethered.

It’s too fucking much to take.

I get up quickly, like I’ve been shocked to my feet.

The head-rush makes me stumble back.

I sink back down into the couch, eyes closing.

Sleep claims me, stripping all the emotions away.

Chapter Seventy-Five


Theurgetogetup from my seat and attack the witch is so strong I dig my claws into the arms of the chair, to keep myself from lunging at her. The broken bond feels like an open wound in my soul. It’s wrong, it shouldn’t be happening, and this bitch just forced it on us.

She deserves to have her throat ripped out.

Just like that fucking prick of an Alpha who’s waiting outside to take Oscar away from us.

No. He deserves it so much fucking more.

Save your anger for him.

This witch is only doing her job. Even if she’s doing it all fucking wrong.
