Page 121 of Moon Cursed

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Oscar belongs with us. Any idiot could see that.

We were fated to be together. We share a true mate.

No one can take that away from us.

“Oscar!” Cheryl cries out in fright when our Omega passes out.

The witch kneels in front of him and touches his hand.

“This is to be expected,” she says. “He’s an Omega. This will take a toll on him.”

“No fucking shit,” I mutter.

Cheryl looks at me and my rage only spikes at how devastated our mate is.

This whole fucking thing is bullshit and being forced to wait to deal with the person who started it all is making me incredibly homicidal.

“We can’t give him to that other pack while he’s like this,” Cheryl snaps, swiping at her tears.

“Of course not,” the witch says, her voice softening. “I’ll help him to adjust.”

Cheryl frowns at her. She doesn’t ask what she means. I can tell by her vicious expression that she can’t talk right now. She’s too mad.

That makes two of us.

“He’ll be feeling a little better in a second,” the witch assures us, almost as if she can tell we’re both a hair-trigger away from mauling her for breaking our bonds.

She starts another damned spell.

I roll my eyes, patience running out.

Oscar groans as he wakes up. “What the hell?”

“You’ll be shaky for a little bit. I’ll ask that the other pack Alpha doesn’t mark you until twenty-four hours have passed,” the witch tells him. “You’ll be feeling more normal by then.”

I sit up straighter, releasing my claws from the arms of the chair. She’s given me twenty-four hours before I can challenge the Alpha and defeat him to get Oscar back. If she’s also not allowing him to mark Oscar in that time, they can’t do anything to hurt him before we have the chance to reclaim him. I might not like that he’ll have to go with them, but this gives me some reassurance.

She looks at Cheryl, and me. “It’s time.”

Cheryl shakes her head. She can’t face this. She’s been so strong through all of this, but giving Oscar up is her breaking point. I pull my claws back, force my wolf down from the surface. My rage cools, a little, just enough. I get to my feet and hold my hand out to my mate. It’s my turn to be strong for her.

“It’s all going to work out,” I tell her, quietly. “I promise. We’ll get him back.”

She swallows and wipes at her face. She doesn’t usually let anything bring her to tears. Her make-up’s always flawless and fierce, a reflection of her personality. Even with mascara trails, she looks the same. Like a Goddess of War. Strong, beautiful, deadly.

She takes my hand and gets to her feet.

We offer Oscar a hand each and pull him into a hug when he stands.

My teeth tingle at his closeness, now that his mark has been removed by magic.

He’s still fated to be with us. Breaking our bonds doesn’t change that.

I’ll mark him again when he’s been freed of that godforsaken pack.

“This is temporary,” I assure him as we break apart.

He gives me a smile, but it’s one of his careless smiles.
