Page 124 of Moon Cursed

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“Fuck,” I curse.

“Oh, Goddess,” Rachel murmurs.

“This is actually happening.” I say it out loud to try and make sense of it. “Didn’t anything we did matter?”

“Well, Georgia lied so she could come here and tell Mabel we went to their town when we shouldn’t have.”

I blink at her. “Wait. What?”

“She wasn’t really trying to escape that place,” Rachel says. “Maybe that’s a relief. It can’t be so bad if she’s that loyal to the Alpha. I hope.”

“Georgia lied?” I ask. “What’s she still doing here if she lied?”

Rachel’s eyes widen. “She’s still here?”

“Uh, yeah. She went upstairs to put her kid to bed, apparently.”

And I had no idea she wasn’t still supposed to be here.

Rachel blows out a breath. “We need to find her.”

“Right.” Who the hell knows what she’s up to lurking around the mansion?

I can’t believe I didn’t know about this. I’m the Beta. I’m supposed to know about security threats before anyone.

“It didn’t feel like she was lying,” I tell her.

“I know,” Rachel agrees. “And maybe she wasn’t, but she didn’t want to help us.”

“She left her bag.” I spot the duffle on the floor by the couch she was sitting on.

Suddenly the small bag seems quite ominous.

Maybe she only brought that because it was all she needed.

You don’t need a big bag if all you’ve brought is a bomb.

“Can you check what’s in it?” I ask Rachel.

She raises an eyebrow at me. “Uh, you have hands too.”

“I meant magically,” I explain. “It’s a suspicious bag right now. We need to know if it’s something we need to remove from the house as soon as possible.”

“Oh shit,” she curses, nodding. “Give me a second. I’ll check it.”

I step back while she casts. She turns to me and lets out a breath.

“Not a bomb.” She picks it up and unzips it. “Just clothes.”

Kid’s clothes, by the look of things. She does a quick check through, but all I see are kid’s clothes and a few toys underneath.

“I need to track her. Can you ask Ivy to track Vi? I’m not convinced they’re together.” Or if they are, it’s not the nice normal house guest situation I’d assumed at first.

“Right,” Rachel says, leaving the room.

I head out after her, pausing to pick up Georgia’s scent trail.

She definitely went upstairs. I rush up there, not sure what I’m expecting to find.
